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Q:Xit and usage of make-socket-stream

Hello everyone!
  I am new to this mailing list and now trying to install
clue+clio+xit on clisp into SparcIPX. It seems to have succeeded making
clx because demo worked correctly. But below message logged while makeing
----------- begin -------------
clisp -m 5MB -M ../clx/clx.mem -q -i defsystem -x '(compile-clue)'
;; Loading file /home/monoceros/tshibata/Softs/clisp/packages/clue+clio+xit/clue/defsystem.fas ...
;; Loading of file /home/monoceros/tshibata/Softs/clisp/packages/clue+clio+xit/clue/defsystem.fas is finished.
; Loading   clue.fas
; Loading   clx-patch.fas
; Loading   window-doc.fas
; Loading   event-parse.fas
; Loading   defcontact.fas
; Compiling intrinsics.lsp
Compiling file /home/monoceros/tshibata/Softs/clisp/packages/clue+clio+xit/clue/intrinsics.lsp ...
*** - FIND-CLASS: WINDOW does not name a class
touch stamp-fas
rm clue.mem
rm: override protection 644 for clue.mem? y
clisp -m 5MB -M ../clx/clx.mem -q -i defsystem -x '(load-clue) (saveinitmem)'
;; Loading file /home/monoceros/tshibata/Softs/clisp/packages/clue+clio+xit/clue/defsystem.fas ...
;; Loading of file /home/monoceros/tshibata/Softs/clisp/packages/clue+clio+xit/clue/defsystem.fas is finished.
; Loading   clue.fas
; Loading   clx-patch.fas
; Loading   window-doc.fas
; Loading   event-parse.fas
; Loading   defcontact.fas
; Loading   intrinsics.fas
*** - UNIX error 13 (EACCES): Permission denied
2721264 ;
mv lispinit.mem clue.mem

  I don't know what above error is. Produced binary is 2.8MB which is
almost same as clx. Please tell me what I should do.

  There is another question. I found SYSTEM function MAKE-SOCKET-STREM,
but couldn't find its usage. Please tell me any information, or does
anyone has programmed a function which return two-way-stream between
clisp and forked executable program?

  Thanks in advance.

p.s. I receive mail which contents is "get CLISP-LISP
     mailing-list-archive" many times. I'm sure to have get it by ftp.
     Why those mail come frequently?

Tomohiro Shibata (email: tom@jsk.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Inoue-Inaba Laboratory,
Department of Mechano-informatics,
University of Tokyo; Japan