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Re: Need Help with SVr4 Installation.

>"lisparit0.d", line 2203: warning: integer overflow detected: op "<<"
>"lisparit0.d", line 2203: warning: integer overflow detected: op "-"
>"lisparit0.d", line 3839: warning: integer overflow detected: op "<<"
>a first look for the reason directs me to  " oint_addr_shift-addr_shift " 
>so it seems to be a wrong definition of oint_addr_shift and/or addr_shift
>or some kind of  macro-trouble   in macros using these
>I looked at clisp for the first time a few days ago. So chances are not very
>high I'll solve that problem soon.
>Any help welcome ...
>so long
>	Sebastian

I have decided to ignore these compiler warnings for the moment. I got
the same kind of warnings when I compiled CLISP on a Sun-4 and a DEC
5000, and CLISP seems to run OK (at least well enough to support

-Ian Searle