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CLISP using WATCOM enhancements

I have compiled the latest CLISP (1994-01-25) with the WATCOM 9.5
compiler and in the process fixed a couple of problems and thought
others may be interested.  The following enumerates the problems

1.  The doswatcom/makefile had control characters substituted where
the backslash was used and was a little out of date.  It was updated
and corrected.

2.  Compiler options were changed to increase the resultant executable
speed.  Mainly structure packing was turned off and inlining was turned

3.  The previous port to WATCOM wouldn't run with virtual memory or in
a DOS box under Windows 3.1.  This was because under either of those
conditions the dos extender would set the most significant bit of
all malloc'ed space.  The problem was fixed by modifing a few macros
in lispbibl.d.

The diffs to lispbibl.d follow with the complete doswatcom/makefile

Questions or comments may be sent to blake@netcom.com

*** src/lispbibl.org	Tue Apr 12 21:37:08 1994
--- src/lispbibl.d	Wed Apr 13 20:10:16 1994
*** 2489,2494 ****
--- 2489,2495 ----
      || (defined(I80Z86) && \
          (!defined(UNIX_SYSV_UHC_2) && \
           !defined(UNIX_SYSV_UHC_1) && \
+          !defined(WATCOM) && \
           !defined(UNIX_SYSV_PTX) && \
           !defined(UNIX_NEXTSTEP))) \
      || defined(SPARC) \
*** 2542,2547 ****
--- 2543,2556 ----
    #define oint_addr_len 24 # vern?nftig nutzbar sind nur die unteren 24 Bit
    #define oint_addr_mask 0xC0FFFFFFUL
    # Beachte: unten wird aint = uint24 = uint32 sein.
+ #elif defined(WATCOM)
+   # Bits 30..25 = Typcode, Bits 31,24..2 = Adresse, Bits 1..0 Not Used
+   #define oint_type_shift 25
+   #define oint_type_len 6
+   #define oint_type_mask 0x7E000000UL
+   #define oint_addr_shift 0
+   #define oint_addr_len 25
+   #define oint_addr_mask 0x81FFFFFFUL
  #elif defined(UNIX_SYSV_UHC_1)
    # Bits 31..28,26..24 = Typcode, Bits 23..0 = Adresse
    #define oint_type_shift 24
*** 3321,3326 ****
--- 3330,3338 ----
            #if defined(HPPA) && defined(UNIX_HPUX)
              # sitzen nicht im oint_type-Teil, sondern im oint_addr-Teil.
              #define oint_symbolflags_shift  oint_addr_shift
+           #endif
+           #if defined(WATCOM)
+             #define NO_symbolflags # active_bit, dynam_bit, svar_bit haben im Symbol keinen Platz
            #if defined(UNIX_SYSV_UHC_2)
              # sitzen im oberen oint_addr-Teil.

The following is the new doswatcom/makefile

# Makefile for the CLISP binaries

# -------------- Start of configurable section --------------------

# Directories used by "make install":
prefix = 
exec_prefix = $(prefix)
bindir = $(exec_prefix)\bin
mandir = $(exec_prefix)\man
libdir = $(exec_prefix)\lib
lisplibdir = $(libdir)\lisp

MAKE = make
# Programs used by "make":
CC = wcl386
CFLAGS = -3r -oxet -j -zq -w0 -zp4 # -d2 -w4
CPP = wcl386 -p -zq
DISASM = wdisasm -au -s

RM = del
CP = copy
LN = copy
MV = ren
CAT = type
RANLIB = ranlib

# Programs used by "make install":
INSTALL = copy

# Programs used by "make distrib":

# formatter for manual page
ROFF_MAN = nroff -man # try "groff -Tascii -mandoc" or "nroff -man"
ROFF_DVI =  # try "groff -Tdvi -mandoc"

# -------------- End of configurable section --------------------

COMMENT5 = comment5
ANSIDECL = ansidecl
DEEMA = deema
TXT2C = txt2c

spvw.d \
spvwtabf.d \
spvwtabs.d \
spvwtabo.d \
eval.d \
control.d \
pathname.d \
stream.d \
io.d \
array.d \
hashtabl.d \
list.d \
package.d \
record.d \
sequence.d \
charstrg.d \
debug.d \
error.d \
misc.d \
predtype.d \
symbol.d \
lisparit.d \
stdwin.d \
graph.d \
lispbibl.d \
fsubr.d \
subr.d \
pseudofun.d \
constsym.d \
constobj.d \
msdos.d \
constpack.d \
avl.d \
sort.d \
aridecl.d \
arilev0.d \
arilev1.d \
intelem.d \
intlog.d \
intplus.d \
intcomp.d \
intbyte.d \
intmal.d \
intdiv.d \
intgcd.d \
int2adic.d \
intsqrt.d \
intprint.d \
intread.d \
rational.d \
sfloat.d \
ffloat.d \
dfloat.d \
lfloat.d \
flo_konv.d \
flo_rest.d \
realelem.d \
realrand.d \
realtran.d \
compelem.d \
comptran.d \
arilev1c.d \
arilev1e.d \
arilev1i.d \
noreadline.d \

spvw.c \
spvwtabf.c \
spvwtabs.c \
spvwtabo.c \
eval.c \
control.c \
pathname.c \
stream.c \
io.c \
array.c \
hashtabl.c \
list.c \
package.c \
record.c \
sequence.c \
charstrg.c \
debug.c \
error.c \
misc.c \
predtype.c \
symbol.c \
lisparit.c \
stdwin.c \
graph.c \
lispbibl.c \
fsubr.c \
subr.c \
pseudofun.c \
constsym.c \
constobj.c \
msdos.c \
constpack.c \
avl.c \
sort.c \
aridecl.c \
arilev0.c \
arilev1.c \
intelem.c \
intlog.c \
intplus.c \
intcomp.c \
intbyte.c \
intmal.c \
intdiv.c \
intgcd.c \
int2adic.c \
intsqrt.c \
intprint.c \
intread.c \
rational.c \
sfloat.c \
ffloat.c \
dfloat.c \
lfloat.c \
flo_konv.c \
flo_rest.c \
realelem.c \
realrand.c \
realtran.c \
compelem.c \
comptran.c \
arilev1c.c \
arilev1e.c \
arilev1i.c \
noreadline.c \

spvw.obj \
spvwtabf.obj \
spvwtabs.obj \
spvwtabo.obj \
eval.obj \
control.obj \
pathname.obj \
stream.obj \
io.obj \
array.obj \
hashtabl.obj \
list.obj \
package.obj \
record.obj \
sequence.obj \
charstrg.obj \
debug.obj \
error.obj \
misc.obj \
predtype.obj \
symbol.obj \
lisparit.obj \
stdwin.obj \

init.lsp \
defseq.lsp \
backquot.lsp \
defmacro.lsp \
macros1.lsp \
macros2.lsp \
defs1.lsp \
places.lsp \
floatpri.lsp \
type.lsp \
defstruc.lsp \
format.lsp \
user1.lsp \
user2.lsp \
trace.lsp \
macros3.lsp \
config.lsp \
compiler.lsp \
defs2.lsp \
clos.lsp \
conditio.lsp \
defs3.lsp \
screen.lsp \
stdwin2.lsp \
rexx.lsp \

init.fas \
defseq.fas \
backquot.fas \
defmacro.fas \
macros1.fas \
macros2.fas \
defs1.fas \
places.fas \
floatpri.fas \
type.fas \
defstruc.fas \
format.fas \
user1.fas \
user2.fas \
trace.fas \
macros3.fas \
config.fas \
compiler.fas \
defs2.fas \
clos.fas \
conditio.fas \
defs3.fas \
screen.fas \
stdwin2.fas \
rexx.fas \

LISP-tutorial.txt \

stage\init.lsp \
stage\defseq.lsp \
stage\backquot.lsp \
stage\defmacro.lsp \
stage\macros1.lsp \
stage\macros2.lsp \
stage\defs1.lsp \
stage\places.lsp \
stage\floatpri.lsp \
stage\type.lsp \
stage\defstruc.lsp \
stage\format.lsp \
stage\user1.lsp \
stage\user2.lsp \
stage\trace.lsp \
stage\macros3.lsp \
stage\config.lsp \
stage\compiler.lsp \
stage\defs2.lsp \
stage\clos.lsp \
stage\conditio.lsp \
stage\defs3.lsp \
stage\screen.lsp \
stage\stdwin2.lsp \
stage\rexx.lsp \

stage\init.fas \
stage\defseq.fas \
stage\backquot.fas \
stage\defmacro.fas \
stage\macros1.fas \
stage\macros2.fas \
stage\defs1.fas \
stage\places.fas \
stage\floatpri.fas \
stage\type.fas \
stage\defstruc.fas \
stage\format.fas \
stage\user1.fas \
stage\user2.fas \
stage\trace.fas \
stage\macros3.fas \
stage\config.fas \
stage\compiler.fas \
stage\defs2.fas \
stage\clos.fas \
stage\conditio.fas \
stage\defs3.fas \
stage\screen.fas \
stage\stdwin2.fas \
stage\rexx.fas \

all : init allc allo lisp.exe interpre.mem halfcompiled-interpre.mem compiled.mem manual

init : comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe txt2c.exe $(DFILES) errors.c

comment5.exe : ..\utils\comment5.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) ..\utils\comment5.c -fo=comment5.exe

ansidecl.exe : ..\utils\ansidecl.d comment5.exe
	$(LN) ..\utils\ansidecl.d ansidecl.d
	$(COMMENT5) ansidecl.d ansidecl.c
	$(RM) ansidecl.d
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) ansidecl.c -fo=ansidecl.exe
	$(RM) ansidecl.c

deema.exe : ..\utils\deema.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) ..\utils\deema.c -fo=deema.exe

txt2c.exe : ..\utils\txt2c.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) ..\utils\txt2c.c -fo=txt2c.exe

generror.exe : ..\utils\generror.c
	$(LN) ..\utils\generrors.c generrors.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) generrors.c -fo=generrors.exe
	$(RM) generrors.c

errors.c : generror.exe
	generror > errors.c

allc : init $(CFILES)

spvw.c : spvw.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) spvw.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > spvw.c

spvwtabf.c : spvwtabf.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) spvwtabf.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > spvwtabf.c

spvwtabs.c : spvwtabs.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) spvwtabs.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > spvwtabs.c

spvwtabo.c : spvwtabo.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) spvwtabo.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > spvwtabo.c

eval.c : eval.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) eval.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > eval.c

control.c : control.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) control.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > control.c

pathname.c : pathname.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) pathname.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > pathname.c

stream.c : stream.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) stream.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > stream.c

io.c : io.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) io.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > io.c

array.c : array.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) array.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > array.c

hashtabl.c : hashtabl.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) hashtabl.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > hashtabl.c

list.c : list.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) list.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > list.c

package.c : package.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) package.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > package.c

record.c : record.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) record.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > record.c

sequence.c : sequence.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) sequence.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > sequence.c

charstrg.c : charstrg.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) charstrg.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > charstrg.c

debug.c : debug.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) debug.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > debug.c

error.c : error.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) error.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > error.c

misc.c : misc.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) misc.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > misc.c

predtype.c : predtype.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) predtype.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > predtype.c

symbol.c : symbol.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) symbol.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > symbol.c

lisparit.c : lisparit.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) lisparit.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > lisparit.c

stdwin.c : stdwin.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) stdwin.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > stdwin.c

graph.c : graph.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) graph.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > graph.c

lispbibl.c : lispbibl.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) lispbibl.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > lispbibl.c

fsubr.c : fsubr.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) fsubr.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > fsubr.c

subr.c : subr.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) subr.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > subr.c

pseudofun.c : pseudofun.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) pseudofun.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > pseudofun.c

constsym.c : constsym.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) constsym.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > constsym.c

constobj.c : constobj.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) constobj.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > constobj.c

msdos.c : msdos.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) msdos.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > msdos.c

constpack.c : constpack.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) constpack.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > constpack.c

avl.c : avl.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) avl.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > avl.c

sort.c : sort.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) sort.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > sort.c

aridecl.c : aridecl.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) aridecl.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > aridecl.c

arilev0.c : arilev0.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) arilev0.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > arilev0.c

arilev1.c : arilev1.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) arilev1.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > arilev1.c

intelem.c : intelem.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intelem.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intelem.c

intlog.c : intlog.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intlog.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intlog.c

intplus.c : intplus.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intplus.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intplus.c

intcomp.c : intcomp.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intcomp.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intcomp.c

intbyte.c : intbyte.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intbyte.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intbyte.c

intmal.c : intmal.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intmal.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intmal.c

intdiv.c : intdiv.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intdiv.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intdiv.c

intgcd.c : intgcd.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intgcd.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intgcd.c

int2adic.c : int2adic.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) int2adic.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > int2adic.c

intsqrt.c : intsqrt.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intsqrt.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intsqrt.c

intprint.c : intprint.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intprint.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intprint.c

intread.c : intread.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) intread.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > intread.c

rational.c : rational.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) rational.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > rational.c

sfloat.c : sfloat.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) sfloat.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > sfloat.c

ffloat.c : ffloat.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) ffloat.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > ffloat.c

dfloat.c : dfloat.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) dfloat.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > dfloat.c

lfloat.c : lfloat.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) lfloat.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > lfloat.c

flo_konv.c : flo_konv.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) flo_konv.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > flo_konv.c

flo_rest.c : flo_rest.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) flo_rest.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > flo_rest.c

realelem.c : realelem.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) realelem.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > realelem.c

realrand.c : realrand.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) realrand.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > realrand.c

realtran.c : realtran.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) realtran.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > realtran.c

compelem.c : compelem.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) compelem.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > compelem.c

comptran.c : comptran.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) comptran.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > comptran.c

arilev1c.c : arilev1c.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) arilev1c.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > arilev1c.c

arilev1e.c : arilev1e.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) arilev1e.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > arilev1e.c

arilev1i.c : arilev1i.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) arilev1i.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > arilev1i.c

noreadline.c : noreadline.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) noreadline.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > noreadline.c

main.c : main.d comment5.exe ansidecl.exe deema.exe
	$(COMMENT5) main.d | $(ANSIDECL) | $(DEEMA) > main.c

allo : allc spvw.obj spvwtabf.obj spvwtabs.obj spvwtabo.obj eval.obj control.obj pathname.obj stream.obj io.obj array.obj hashtabl.obj list.obj package.obj record.obj sequence.obj charstrg.obj debug.obj error.obj misc.obj predtype.obj symbol.obj lisparit.obj stdwin.obj graph.obj

alls : allc spvw.s spvwtabf.s spvwtabs.s spvwtabo.s eval.s control.s pathname.s stream.s io.s array.s hashtabl.s list.s package.s record.s sequence.s charstrg.s debug.s error.s misc.s predtype.s symbol.s lisparit.s stdwin.s graph.s

spvw.i : spvw.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c constpack.c avl.c sort.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) spvw.c > spvw.i

spvw.s : spvw.obj
	$(DISASM) spvw.obj -l=spvw.s

spvw.obj : spvw.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c constpack.c avl.c sort.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c spvw.c

spvwtabf.i : spvwtabf.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) spvwtabf.c > spvwtabf.i

spvwtabf.s : spvwtabf.obj
	$(DISASM) spvwtabf.obj -l=spvwtabf.s

spvwtabf.obj : spvwtabf.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c spvwtabf.c

spvwtabs.i : spvwtabs.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) spvwtabs.c > spvwtabs.i

spvwtabs.s : spvwtabs.obj
	$(DISASM) spvwtabs.obj -l=spvwtabs.s

spvwtabs.obj : spvwtabs.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c spvwtabs.c

spvwtabo.i : spvwtabo.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) spvwtabo.c > spvwtabo.i

spvwtabo.s : spvwtabo.obj
	$(DISASM) spvwtabo.obj -l=spvwtabo.s

spvwtabo.obj : spvwtabo.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c spvwtabo.c

eval.i : eval.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) eval.c > eval.i

eval.s : eval.obj
	$(DISASM) eval.obj -l=eval.s

eval.obj : eval.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c eval.c

control.i : control.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) control.c > control.i

control.s : control.obj
	$(DISASM) control.obj -l=control.s

control.obj : control.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c control.c

pathname.i : pathname.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) pathname.c > pathname.i

pathname.s : pathname.obj
	$(DISASM) pathname.obj -l=pathname.s

pathname.obj : pathname.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c pathname.c

stream.i : stream.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) stream.c > stream.i

stream.s : stream.obj
	$(DISASM) stream.obj -l=stream.s

stream.obj : stream.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c stream.c

io.i : io.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c arilev0.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) io.c > io.i

io.s : io.obj
	$(DISASM) io.obj -l=io.s

io.obj : io.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c arilev0.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c io.c

array.i : array.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c arilev0.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) array.c > array.i

array.s : array.obj
	$(DISASM) array.obj -l=array.s

array.obj : array.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c arilev0.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c array.c

hashtabl.i : hashtabl.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c arilev0.c aridecl.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) hashtabl.c > hashtabl.i

hashtabl.s : hashtabl.obj
	$(DISASM) hashtabl.obj -l=hashtabl.s

hashtabl.obj : hashtabl.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c arilev0.c aridecl.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c hashtabl.c

list.i : list.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) list.c > list.i

list.s : list.obj
	$(DISASM) list.obj -l=list.s

list.obj : list.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c list.c

package.i : package.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c constpack.c arilev0.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) package.c > package.i

package.s : package.obj
	$(DISASM) package.obj -l=package.s

package.obj : package.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c constpack.c arilev0.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c package.c

record.i : record.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) record.c > record.i

record.s : record.obj
	$(DISASM) record.obj -l=record.s

record.obj : record.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c record.c

sequence.i : sequence.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) sequence.c > sequence.i

sequence.s : sequence.obj
	$(DISASM) sequence.obj -l=sequence.s

sequence.obj : sequence.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c sequence.c

charstrg.i : charstrg.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) charstrg.c > charstrg.i

charstrg.s : charstrg.obj
	$(DISASM) charstrg.obj -l=charstrg.s

charstrg.obj : charstrg.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c charstrg.c

debug.i : debug.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) debug.c > debug.i

debug.s : debug.obj
	$(DISASM) debug.obj -l=debug.s

debug.obj : debug.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c debug.c

error.i : error.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c errors.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) error.c > error.i

error.s : error.obj
	$(DISASM) error.obj -l=error.s

error.obj : error.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c errors.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c error.c

misc.i : misc.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c arilev0.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) misc.c > misc.i

misc.s : misc.obj
	$(DISASM) misc.obj -l=misc.s

misc.obj : misc.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c arilev0.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c misc.c

predtype.i : predtype.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) predtype.c > predtype.i

predtype.s : predtype.obj
	$(DISASM) predtype.obj -l=predtype.s

predtype.obj : predtype.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c predtype.c

symbol.i : symbol.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) symbol.c > symbol.i

symbol.s : symbol.obj
	$(DISASM) symbol.obj -l=symbol.s

symbol.obj : symbol.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c symbol.c

lisparit.i : lisparit.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c aridecl.c arilev0.c arilev1.c intelem.c intlog.c intplus.c intcomp.c intbyte.c intmal.c intdiv.c intgcd.c int2adic.c intsqrt.c intprint.c intread.c rational.c sfloat.c ffloat.c dfloat.c lfloat.c flo_konv.c flo_rest.c realelem.c realrand.c realtran.c compelem.c comptran.c arilev1c.c arilev1e.c arilev1i.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) lisparit.c > lisparit.i

lisparit.s : lisparit.obj
	$(DISASM) lisparit.obj -l=lisparit.s

lisparit.obj : lisparit.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c aridecl.c arilev0.c arilev1.c intelem.c intlog.c intplus.c intcomp.c intbyte.c intmal.c intdiv.c intgcd.c int2adic.c intsqrt.c intprint.c intread.c rational.c sfloat.c ffloat.c dfloat.c lfloat.c flo_konv.c flo_rest.c realelem.c realrand.c realtran.c compelem.c comptran.c arilev1c.c arilev1e.c arilev1i.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c lisparit.c

stdwin.i : stdwin.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) -i=stdwin\H stdwin.c > stdwin.i

stdwin.s : stdwin.obj
	$(DISASM) stdwin.obj -l=stdwin.s

stdwin.obj : stdwin.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -i=stdwin\H -c stdwin.c

graph.i : graph.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c arilev0.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS)  graph.c > graph.i

graph.s : graph.obj
	$(DISASM) graph.obj -l=graph.s

graph.obj : graph.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c arilev0.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS)  -c graph.c

noreadline.i : noreadline.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) noreadline.c > noreadline.i

noreadline.s : noreadline.obj
	$(DISASM) noreadline.obj -l=noreadline.s

noreadline.obj : noreadline.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c noreadline.c

main.i : main.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) main.c > main.i

main.s : main.obj
	$(DISASM) main.obj -l=main.s

main.obj : main.c lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c main.c

lisp.exe : $(OBJECTS)  
	$(RM) -qz lisp.exe
	$(CC) -fe=lisp.exe -fd=wcclink.lnk
	wlink @wcclink.lnk @wcclink.in
	$(RM) wcclink.lnk

alllsp : $(LSPFILES)

config.lsp : cfgdos.lsp
	$(CP) cfgdos.lsp config.lsp

interpre.mem : lisp.exe $(LSPFILES)
	lisp.exe -m 750KW < interpre.in
	-$(RM) interpre.mem
	$(MV) lispinit.mem interpre.mem

init.fas : init.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c init.lsp

defseq.fas : defseq.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c defseq.lsp

backquot.fas : backquot.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c backquot.lsp

defmacro.fas : defmacro.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c defmacro.lsp

macros1.fas : macros1.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c macros1.lsp

macros2.fas : macros2.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c macros2.lsp

defs1.fas : defs1.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c defs1.lsp

places.fas : places.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c places.lsp

floatpri.fas : floatpri.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c floatpri.lsp

type.fas : type.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c type.lsp

defstruc.fas : defstruc.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c defstruc.lsp

format.fas : format.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c format.lsp

user1.fas : user1.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c user1.lsp

user2.fas : user2.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c user2.lsp

trace.fas : trace.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c trace.lsp

macros3.fas : macros3.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c macros3.lsp

config.fas : config.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c config.lsp

compiler.fas : compiler.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c compiler.lsp

defs2.fas : defs2.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c defs2.lsp

clos.fas : clos.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c clos.lsp

conditio.fas : conditio.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c conditio.lsp

defs3.fas : defs3.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c defs3.lsp

screen.fas : screen.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c screen.lsp

stdwin2.fas : stdwin2.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c stdwin2.lsp

rexx.fas : rexx.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c rexx.lsp

editor.fas : editor.lsp lisp.exe interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW -M interpre.mem -q -c editor.lsp

halfcompiled-interpre.mem : lisp.exe $(LSPFILES) compiler.fas
	-$(RM) interpre.mem
	lisp.exe -m 750KW < interpre.in
	$(MV) lispinit.mem interpre.mem
	touch compiler.fas
	touch halfcompiled-interpre.mem

compiled.mem : lisp.exe $(FASFILES)
	lisp.exe < compiled.in
	-$(RM) compiled.mem
	$(MV) lispinit.mem compiled.mem

# Test: recompile $(LSPFILES) and check if the resulting .mem file has the same length.
test : compiled.mem stage $(TESTLSPFILES) $(TESTFASFILES)
	comp *.fas stage
	REM The test passed if no differences were found.

stage :
	-mkdir stage

stage\init.lsp : init.lsp
	$(LN) init.lsp stage

stage\defseq.lsp : defseq.lsp
	$(LN) defseq.lsp stage

stage\backquot.lsp : backquot.lsp
	$(LN) backquot.lsp stage

stage\defmacro.lsp : defmacro.lsp
	$(LN) defmacro.lsp stage

stage\macros1.lsp : macros1.lsp
	$(LN) macros1.lsp stage

stage\macros2.lsp : macros2.lsp
	$(LN) macros2.lsp stage

stage\defs1.lsp : defs1.lsp
	$(LN) defs1.lsp stage

stage\places.lsp : places.lsp
	$(LN) places.lsp stage

stage\floatpri.lsp : floatpri.lsp
	$(LN) floatpri.lsp stage

stage\type.lsp : type.lsp
	$(LN) type.lsp stage

stage\defstruc.lsp : defstruc.lsp
	$(LN) defstruc.lsp stage

stage\format.lsp : format.lsp
	$(LN) format.lsp stage

stage\user1.lsp : user1.lsp
	$(LN) user1.lsp stage

stage\user2.lsp : user2.lsp
	$(LN) user2.lsp stage

stage\trace.lsp : trace.lsp
	$(LN) trace.lsp stage

stage\macros3.lsp : macros3.lsp
	$(LN) macros3.lsp stage

stage\config.lsp : config.lsp
	$(LN) config.lsp stage

stage\compiler.lsp : compiler.lsp
	$(LN) compiler.lsp stage

stage\defs2.lsp : defs2.lsp
	$(LN) defs2.lsp stage

stage\clos.lsp : clos.lsp
	$(LN) clos.lsp stage

stage\conditio.lsp : conditio.lsp
	$(LN) conditio.lsp stage

stage\defs3.lsp : defs3.lsp
	$(LN) defs3.lsp stage

stage\screen.lsp : screen.lsp
	$(LN) screen.lsp stage

stage\stdwin2.lsp : stdwin2.lsp
	$(LN) stdwin2.lsp stage

stage\rexx.lsp : rexx.lsp
	$(LN) rexx.lsp stage

stage\editor.lsp : editor.lsp
	$(LN) editor.lsp stage

stage\init.fas : stage\init.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/init.lsp

stage\defseq.fas : stage\defseq.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/defseq.lsp

stage\backquot.fas : stage\backquot.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/backquot.lsp

stage\defmacro.fas : stage\defmacro.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/defmacro.lsp

stage\macros1.fas : stage\macros1.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/macros1.lsp

stage\macros2.fas : stage\macros2.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/macros2.lsp

stage\defs1.fas : stage\defs1.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/defs1.lsp

stage\places.fas : stage\places.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/places.lsp

stage\floatpri.fas : stage\floatpri.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/floatpri.lsp

stage\type.fas : stage\type.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/type.lsp

stage\defstruc.fas : stage\defstruc.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/defstruc.lsp

stage\format.fas : stage\format.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/format.lsp

stage\user1.fas : stage\user1.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/user1.lsp

stage\user2.fas : stage\user2.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/user2.lsp

stage\trace.fas : stage\trace.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/trace.lsp

stage\macros3.fas : stage\macros3.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/macros3.lsp

stage\config.fas : stage\config.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/config.lsp

stage\compiler.fas : stage\compiler.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/compiler.lsp

stage\defs2.fas : stage\defs2.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/defs2.lsp

stage\clos.fas : stage\clos.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/clos.lsp

stage\conditio.fas : stage\conditio.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/conditio.lsp

stage\defs3.fas : stage\defs3.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/defs3.lsp

stage\screen.fas : stage\screen.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/screen.lsp

stage\stdwin2.fas : stage\stdwin2.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/stdwin2.lsp

stage\rexx.fas : stage\rexx.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/rexx.lsp

stage\editor.fas : stage\editor.lsp lisp.exe compiled.mem
	lisp.exe -M compiled.mem -q -c stage/editor.lsp

compiled2.mem : lisp.exe $(TESTFASFILES)
	lisp.exe -x "(cd \"stage/\") (load \"init.fas\") (cd \"..\\\") (sys::%saveinitmem) (exit)"
	-$(RM) compiled2.mem
	$(MV) lispinit.mem compiled2.mem

manual : ANNOUNCE COPYRIGHT GNU-GPL SUMMARY README NEWS clisp.1 impnotes.txt $(TXTFILES) readline.dvi

manualx : manual clisp.man





	-$(LN) ..\NEWS NEWS

README : _README lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c txt2c.exe 
	$(TXT2C) < _README > txt.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) txt.c -fo=txt.exe
	txt > README
	$(RM) txt.c
	$(RM) txt.exe

clisp.1 : _clisp.1 lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c txt2c.exe 
	$(TXT2C) < _clisp.1 > txt.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) txt.c -fo=txt.exe
	txt | grep -v -f grep.in > clisp.1
	$(RM) txt.c
	$(RM) txt.exe

impnotes.txt : _impnotes.txt lispbibl.c fsubr.c subr.c pseudofun.c constsym.c constobj.c msdos.c txt2c.exe 
	$(TXT2C) < _impnotes.txt > txt.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) txt.c -fo=txt.exe
	txt > impnotes.txt
	$(RM) txt.c
	$(RM) txt.exe

clisp.man : clisp.1
	$(ROFF_MAN) clisp.1 > clisp.man

clisp.dvi : clisp.1
	$(ROFF_DVI) clisp.1 > clisp.dvi

LISP-tutorial.txt : ..\doc\LISP-tutorial.txt
	-$(LN) ..\doc\LISP-tutorial.txt LISP-tutorial.txt

CLOS-guide.txt : ..\doc\CLOS-guide.txt
	-$(LN) ..\doc\CLOS-guide.txt CLOS-guide.txt

readline\doc\rluserman.dvi : 
	cd readline\doc ; $(TEXI2DVI) rluserman.texinfo

readline.dvi : readline\doc\rluserman.dvi
	-$(LN) readline\doc\rluserman.dvi readline.dvi

install : install-bin

install-bin : lisp.exe compiled.mem force
	-mkdir $(libdir)
	-mkdir $(lisplibdir)
	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) lisp.exe $(lisplibdir)\lisp.exe
	$(INSTALL_DATA) compiled.mem $(lisplibdir)\lispinit.mem
	-mkdir $(bindir)
	echo $(lisplibdir)\lisp.exe -M $(lisplibdir)\lispinit.mem %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > $(bindir)\clisp.bat

# clean0 is harmless: removes only superfluous things: temporary files.
clean0 : force
	-$(RM) core ansidecl.c generrors.c lisparit.tmp txt.c txt.exe

# clean1 removes everything that becomes obsolete once lisp.run is recompiled
# without changing the bytecode format and the tables in
# constobj.d, constpack.d, constsym.d, subr.d, fsubr.d, pseudofun.d.
clean1 : clean0
	-$(RM) clisp.h *.i *.s *.obj *.a lisp.exe stage/* suite/*
	-rmdir stage
	-rmdir suite
	-$(RM) README clisp.1 impnotes.txt $(TXTFILES) readline.dvi

# clean2 removes everything that becomes obsolete once lisp.run is recompiled
# without changing the bytecode format.
clean2 : clean1
	-$(RM) interpre.mem halfcompiled-interpre.mem compiled.mem compiled2.mem

# clean3 removes everything that becomes obsolete once lisp.run is recompiled.
# It leaves everything generated by "make allc".
clean3 : clean2
	-$(RM) $(FASFILES) *.lib

# clean4 removes everything that becomes obsolete
# when switching to a new version of the C compiler.
# It leaves everything generated by "make init".
clean4 : clean3
	-$(RM) $(CFILES)

# clean5 even undoes "make init".
clean5 : clean4
	-$(RM) config.lsp
	-$(RM) comment5.exe ansidecl.exe ccpaux.exe deelif.exe deerror.exe dedefined.exe traddecl.exe deema.exe mergestrings.exe txt2c.exe
	-$(RM) generrors.exe errors.c

# clean6 lets us go back to "makemake > makefile".
clean6 : clean5
	-$(RM) makefile

# clean7 lets us go back to "target".
clean7 : clean6
	-$(RM) config.status machine.h unixconf.h makemake
	-$(RM) readline.tar.Z
	cd readline ; $(MAKE) clean

# clean8 moreover cleans up the SRCDIR.
clean8 : clean7
	-$(RM) lisparit0.d

# The normal "start over" command:
clean : clean4

# Make "clear for distribution":
distclean : clean7

# Remove everything that can be generated otherwise:
realclean : clean8


Blake McBride				(615) 790-8521  voice
3020 Liberty Hills Drive		(615) 791-7736  fax
Franklin, TN  37064			blake@netcom.com