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Clisp and logical-pathnames
>>>>> "MH" == Michael Hofbaur <hofbaur@fstgds06.tu-graz.ac.at> writes:
MH> I tried the example from
MH> CltL2 ( Examples of the Use of Logical Pathnames) and get
MH> the following reply:
MH> .........................................
MH> (setf (logical-pathname-translations "foo")
MH> '(("**;*.*.*" "MY-LISPM:>library>foo>**>")))
MH> (translate-logical-pathname "foo:bar;baz;mum.quux.3")
MH> #"foo:bar;baz;mum.quux.3"
MH> .........................................
MH> it should be:
MH> #P"MY-LISPM:>library>foo>bar>baz>mum.quux.3"
Here's an example of how it would work on Unix:
(setf (logical-pathname-translations "foo")
'(("**;*.*" #"/library/foo/**/*.*")))
(defun test ()
(translate-logical-pathname (logical-pathname "foo:bar;baz;mum.quux")))
> (test)