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Error? in clisp (solaris)

 Hi folks,

 I get the next error when I eval the following expression, why?

 for idx upfrom 0 to (the fixnum (1- (length "Error")))
 for char = (aref "Error" idx)

*** - AREF: index 5 for "Error" is out of range

 Thanks in advance and I'm sorry if it's an stupid question...


 _/ _/ _/_| Francisco J. Martin Cervera
 / _/ _/ _| IIIA - Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial
  _/ _/___| CSIC - Spanish Scientific Research Council
 _/ _/____| Campus Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
 / _/    _| 08193 Cerdanyola, Catalonia, Spain
    Ph:     +34 3 5809570          Fax: +34 3 5809661
    e-mail: martin@iiia.csic.es    WWW: http://www.iiia.csic.es/~martin