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NLSPATH Settings?

>>>>> "Brian" == Brian F Dennis <xjam@CS.Berkeley.EDU> writes:

Brian> When using the shell oriented functions in CLISP I always get
Brian> messages about not being able to set the locale correctly when
Brian> I spawn a subshell. I have the locale files that CLISP installs
Brian> in a different directory than /usr/lib. Is there a way to set
Brian> up my environment such that the catalog files get correctly
Brian> located?

Here's a patch to try.  I suspect the problem is that your system is
being provincial and doesn't know what to do when it sees the selected
language set to English.

Index: spvw.d
RCS file: /u/marcus/cvs/clisp/src/spvw.d,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -c -r1.26 spvw.d
*** spvw.d	1996/04/04 03:22:01	1.26
--- spvw.d	1996/04/19 22:47:28
*** 9833,9839 ****
          setlocale (LC_MESSAGES,"de");
       elif (language == language_english) 
!        { setenv_ ("LANG","en");
           setlocale (LC_MESSAGES,"en");
       elif (language == language_francais) 
--- 9833,9839 ----
          setlocale (LC_MESSAGES,"de");
       elif (language == language_english) 
!        { # setenv_ ("LANG","en");
           setlocale (LC_MESSAGES,"en");
       elif (language == language_francais) 
*** 9841,9847 ****
           setlocale (LC_MESSAGES,"fr");
!        { setenv_ ("LANG","en");
           setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, "en");
       if (argv_localedir == NULL)
--- 9841,9847 ----
           setlocale (LC_MESSAGES,"fr");
!        { # setenv_ ("LANG","en");
           setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, "en");
       if (argv_localedir == NULL)