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Recursive call of a macro-function


I want to generalize the next method "construit-ksar" (a method to make ksar on a little blackboard)
by using a macro-function. This first method run with only 3 variables (ecs) and I want to make a macro which
expand a function for an undefined number of variables.

My problem:

The macro-function is recursive and I think there is a big problem with its environment (&environment ??)
Has anyone been succesful in using a recursive macro call ?

Please help me !!!!!!

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The original method for only 3 variables:

(defmethod construit-ksar ((oself KSOURCE))
  (case (length (ecs-de oself))
	(1 (loop for -var in (pile-de (car (ecs-de oself))) when
                 (funcall (condition-de oself) -var) do
		 (cree-ksar :ksource oself
			    :valeurs (list -var)
			    :interet (* (interet-de oself) (interet-de -var)))))
	(2 (loop for -var1 in (pile-de (car (ecs-de oself))) do
		 (loop for -var2 in (pile-de (cadr (ecs-de oself))) when
                       (funcall (condition-de oself) -var1 -var2) do
		       (cree-ksar :ksource oself
				  :valeurs (list -var1 -var2)
				  :interet (* (interet-de oself) (interet-de -var1) (interet-de -var2))))))
	(3 (loop for -var1 in (pile-de (car (ecs-de oself))) do
		 (loop for -var2 in (pile-de (cadr (ecs-de oself))) do
		       (loop for -var3 in (pile-de (caddr (ecs-de oself))) when
                             (funcall (condition-de oself) -var1 -var2 -var3) do
			     (cree-ksar :ksource oself
					:valeurs (list -var1 -var2 -var3)
					:interet (* (interet-de oself) (interet-de -var1) (interet-de -var2)
						    (interet-de -var3)))))))
	(t (error "CONSTRUIT-KSAR: Les sources de connaissance ne doivent pas contenir plus de trois variables"))))

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The macro-function that doesn't work:

(defmethod construit-ksar ((oself KSOURCE))
  (macro-construit-ksar oself (ecs-de oself) (list (gensym))))

(defmacro macro-construit-ksar (-ksource -conditions -variables)

  (if (cdr -conditions)

      `(loop for ,(car -variables) in (pile-de ,(car -conditions)) do
	     (macro-construit-ksar ,-ksource (cdr ,-conditions) (cons (gensym) ,-variables)))

      `(loop for ,(car -variables) in (pile-de ,(car -conditions)) when
	     (funcall (condition-de ,-ksource) ,@-variables) do
	     (cree-ksar :ksource ,-ksource
		        :valeurs ,-variables))))
		        :interet ,(* (interet-de -ksource) (apply #'* (mapcar #'interet-de -variables)))))))

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thierry LEMEUNIER               _/        _/      _/_/      _/_/_/    _/
groupe Langue et Dialogue      _/       _/ _/    _/   _/     _/     _/ _/   
                              _/      _/   _/   _/    _/    _/    _/   _/
Laboratoire d'Informatique   _/      _/_/_/_/  _/    _/    _/    _/_/_/_/
UFR Sciences                _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/    _/_/_/  _/    _/
Universite du Maine
Avenue Olivier Messiaen BP535	     email : lemeunie@lium.univ-lemans.fr
F72017 LE MANS CEDEX		     web   : http://bigiup.univ-lemans.fr/