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crash on winnt

     The following is form the drwtsn32.log.
     I doubt that this can help, sorry.
     I get somehting like this every now and then, and on each restart of 
     clisp I get it sooner. Reboot helps though.
     I do some large number crunching, and a complete test case would 
     probably take several MB.
     I use *NO* recursive calls whatsoever.
     Application exception occurred:
             App:  (pid=94)
             When: 8/14/1997 @ 18:24:20.331
             Exception number: c00000fd (stack overflow)
     *----> System Information <----*
             Computer Name: WINTERMUTE
             User Name: sds
             Number of Processors: 1
             Processor Type: x86 Family 6 Model 1 Stepping 9
             Windows Version: 4.0
             Current Build: 1381
             Current Type: Uniprocessor Free
             Registered Organization: Eagle Trading Systems
             Registered Owner: Sam Shteingold
     *----> Task List <----*
        0 Idle.exe
        2 System.exe
       20 smss.exe
       24 csrss.exe
       34 winlogon.exe
       40 services.exe
       43 lsass.exe
       67 spoolss.exe
       68 RpcSs.exe
       82 tapisrv.exe
       92 rasman.exe
      112 CPQBIOS.exe
      122 CPQAlert.exe
      116 nddeagnt.exe
      150 Explorer.exe
      137 internat.exe
      147 ntvdm.exe
       73 taskmgr.exe
      236 emacs.exe
      252 wgnuplot.exe
      186 cmd.exe
      217 ntvdm.exe
      181 gnuserv.exe
       94 lisp.exe
      155 drwtsn32.exe
        0 _Total.exe
     (00400000 - 00400000) 
     (77f60000 - 77fbc000) dll\ntdll.dbg
     (77e70000 - 77ec4000) dll\user32.dbg
     (77f00000 - 77f5e000) dll\kernel32.dbg
     (77ed0000 - 77efc000) dll\gdi32.dbg
     (77dc0000 - 77dfe000) dll\advapi32.dbg
     (77e10000 - 77e62000) dll\rpcrt4.dbg
     (776d0000 - 776d8000) dll\wsock32.dbg
     (776b0000 - 776c2000) dll\ws2_32.dbg
     (779f0000 - 77a36000) dll\msvcrt.dbg
     (776a0000 - 776a6000) dll\ws2help.dbg
     (77b20000 - 77bd2000) dll\ole32.dbg
     (74ff0000 - 74ffc000) dll\rnr20.dbg
     (75360000 - 75367000) dll\rasadhlp.dbg
     State Dump for Thread Id 0xbf
     eax=00001000 ebx=1a0c90f4 ecx=00032104 edx=ffffffff esi=00cd1e90 
     eip=0047a6e7 esp=000330fc ebp=0012d130 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz 
     na po nc
     cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000             
     function: <nosymbols>
             0047a6cc cc               int     3
             0047a6cd cc               int     3
             0047a6ce cc               int     3
             0047a6cf cc               int     3
             0047a6d0 51               push    ecx
             0047a6d1 3d00100000       cmp     eax,0x1000
             0047a6d6 8d4c2408         lea     ecx,[esp+0x8]          
             0047a6da 7214             jb      0047a6f0
             0047a6dc 81e900100000     sub     ecx,0x1000
             0047a6e2 2d00100000       sub     eax,0x1000
     FAULT ->0047a6e7 8501             test    [ecx],eax              
             0047a6e9 3d00100000       cmp     eax,0x1000
             0047a6ee 73ec             jnb     0047a6dc
             0047a6f0 2bc8             sub     ecx,eax
             0047a6f2 8bc4             mov     eax,esp
             0047a6f4 8501             test    [ecx],eax              
             0047a6f6 8be1             mov     esp,ecx
             0047a6f8 8b08             mov     ecx,[eax]              
             0047a6fa 8b4004           mov     eax,[eax+0x4]          
             0047a6fd 50               push    eax
             0047a6fe c3               ret
             0047a6ff cc               int     3
     *----> Stack Back Trace <----*
     FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
     0012d130 004021ff 00000009 0012d188 004b45d4 00000001 <nosymbols> 
     *----> Raw Stack Dump <----*
     000330fc  00 b0 0b 09 a7 36 40 00 - 28 a0 0b 09 20 89 0c 1a  
     .....6@.(... ...
     0003310c  2c a0 0b 09 14 89 0c 1a - 58 a0 0b 09 38 89 0c 1a  
     0003311c  5c a0 0b 09 2c 89 0c 1a - 88 a0 0b 09 50 89 0c 1a  
     0003312c  8c a0 0b 09 44 89 0c 1a - b8 a0 0b 09 68 89 0c 1a  
     0003313c  bc a0 0b 09 5c 89 0c 1a - e8 a0 0b 09 80 89 0c 1a  
     0003314c  ec a0 0b 09 74 89 0c 1a - 18 a1 0b 09 98 89 0c 1a  
     0003315c  1c a1 0b 09 8c 89 0c 1a - 48 a1 0b 09 b0 89 0c 1a  
     0003316c  4c a1 0b 09 a4 89 0c 1a - 78 a1 0b 09 c8 89 0c 1a  
     0003317c  7c a1 0b 09 bc 89 0c 1a - a8 a1 0b 09 e0 89 0c 1a  
     0003318c  ac a1 0b 09 d4 89 0c 1a - d8 a1 0b 09 f8 89 0c 1a  
     0003319c  dc a1 0b 09 ec 89 0c 1a - 08 a2 0b 09 10 8a 0c 1a  
     000331ac  0c a2 0b 09 04 8a 0c 1a - 38 a2 0b 09 28 8a 0c 1a  
     000331bc  3c a2 0b 09 1c 8a 0c 1a - 68 a2 0b 09 40 8a 0c 1a  
     000331cc  6c a2 0b 09 34 8a 0c 1a - 98 a2 0b 09 58 8a 0c 1a  
     000331dc  9c a2 0b 09 4c 8a 0c 1a - c8 a2 0b 09 70 8a 0c 1a  
     000331ec  cc a2 0b 09 64 8a 0c 1a - f8 a2 0b 09 88 8a 0c 1a  
     000331fc  fc a2 0b 09 7c 8a 0c 1a - 28 a3 0b 09 a0 8a 0c 1a  
     0003320c  2c a3 0b 09 94 8a 0c 1a - 58 a3 0b 09 b8 8a 0c 1a  
     0003321c  5c a3 0b 09 ac 8a 0c 1a - 88 a3 0b 09 d0 8a 0c 1a  
     0003322c  8c a3 0b 09 c4 8a 0c 1a - b8 a3 0b 09 e8 8a 0c 1a  
     State Dump for Thread Id 0xb9
     eax=00479890 ebx=00000000 ecx=e2000000 edx=00000000 esi=000000ac 
     eip=77f681ab esp=00e8fea4 ebp=00e8fec8 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr 
     na po nc
     cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000             
     function: NtWaitForSingleObject
             77f681a0 b8c5000000       mov     eax,0xc5
             77f681a5 8d542404         lea     edx,[esp+0x4]          
             77f681a9 cd2e             int     2e
             77f681ab c20c00           ret     0xc
             77f681ae 8bc0             mov     eax,eax
     *----> Stack Back Trace <----*
     FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
     00e8fec8 77f04f85 000000ac ffffffff 00000000 004798af 
     00e8ffb8 77f04f2c 00000000 e0000000 e1000000 00000000 
     00e8ffec 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
     00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 !<nosymbols>