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Re: Clisp 1997-05-29 cygwin-beta question

>>>>> "Jorg-Cyril" == Jorg-Cyril Hohle <hoehle@zeus.gmd.de> writes:

    Jorg-Cyril> BTW, are there really people using readline on any
    Jorg-Cyril> platform?  I mean, readline is nice for one line
    Jorg-Cyril> input, but who's writing many one-liners in Common
    Jorg-Cyril> Lisp?

    Jorg-Cyril> Are people really typing programs in a terminal
    Jorg-Cyril> window, knowing that they must ctrl-C any beginning of
    Jorg-Cyril> a function when they notice that something is wrong
    Jorg-Cyril> one line above in the same function?

        Hi. I use it a lot, namely for debugging. Since LISp is
considered an interactive language, readline seems to me a
MUST-HAVE. It's extremely useful while experimenting some specific
functions, with different arguments. It's just recall the line from
the history buffer and edit the arguments.

        I used CLISP with Amiga a lot. The Amiga shell has history
line and command editing built-in in the shell, so I could use it with
the old non-readline versions of CLISP for Amiga.

        I was disappointed with the UNIX version at that time, since I
had to re-write or copy&paste with the mouse each time I wanted to
repeat some command line. I found it really cool that you guys
included readline with CLISP. It made CLISP much more usable with

        It can be argued that it's possible to run CLISP from emacs
and use emacs' command-line editing features. But I still prefer use
CLISP in a xterm, and it make CLISP a much more user-friendly.



*** Rodrigo Martins de Matos Ventura, alias <Yoda>
***  nuron@isr.ist.utl.pt, http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/~nuron
***   Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
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