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special variables

     Consider the following function:
     (defun zz (level maxlev)
       (format t "Level: ~d" level)
       (let (x)
         (declare (special x))
         (when (zerop level) (setq x 10))
         (format t "~20tx: ~a~%" x)
         (when (> maxlev level) (zz (1+ level) maxlev))))
     > (zz 0 3)
     Level: 0          x: 10
     Level: 1            x: nil
     Level: 2            x: nil
     Level: 3            x: nil
     First, note the same bug as before -- with ~t formatting of the first 
     line. Second, this is not quite what I want (although what one would 
     expect from the ANSI CL standard as well as from the good old common 
     sense). I want X to be the same variable in all the calls.
     I am traversing a tree using recursion. But the tree is not really a 
     tree, in the sense that some nodes are similar, and I do not want to 
     study them twice. So, I would like to create a variable binding which 
     would be the same throughout all the calls, which will be accessed and 
     modified in all the calls. Essentially, this can be achieved with a 
     global variable, but this global variable will be a piece of junk this 
     is anti-aesthetical. I wish I could do something like 
     (when (zerop level) (defvar x))
     ........ recursion .....
     (when (zerop level) (destroy x))
     Another option is to pass the thing as a variable in each call:
     (defun zz (level maxlev x)
       (push level x)
       (format t "Level: ~d~20tx: ~a~%" level x)
       (when (> maxlev level) (zz (1+ level) maxlev x))
       (format t "Level: ~d~20tx: ~a~%" level x))
     > (zz 0 3 nil)
     Level: 0          x: (0)
     Level: 1            x: (1 0)
     Level: 2            x: (2 1 0)
     Level: 3            x: (3 2 1 0)
     Level: 3            x: (3 2 1 0)
     Level: 2            x: (2 1 0)
     Level: 1            x: (1 0)
     Level: 0            x: (0)
     this is *NOT* what I want. I want
     > (zz 0 3 nil)
     Level: 0          x: (0)
     Level: 1            x: (1 0)
     Level: 2            x: (2 1 0)
     Level: 3            x: (3 2 1 0)
     Level: 3            x: (3 2 1 0)
     Level: 2            x: (3 2 1 0)
     Level: 1            x: (3 2 1 0)
     Level: 0            x: (3 2 1 0)
     Any suggestions?
     (I guess, I'll go for a global var. Sad.)