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additions for VAXLISP
- To: commonloops.pa@Xerox.COM
- Subject: additions for VAXLISP
- From: ricks%shambhala.Berkeley.EDU@BERKELEY.EDU (Rick L Spickelmier)
- Date: 12 Jan 87 14:47 PST (Monday)
Here are a few things that can be added to vaxl-low.lsp and test.lsp
Rick Spickelmier
UC Berkeley
;;; add to vaxl-low.lsp
(defun function-arglist (func)
(system::function-lambda-vars (symbol-function func)))
;;; this probably does more than is necessary!
(defmacro without-interrupts (&body body)
`(critical-section ,@body))
;;; add to test.lsp
(defvar *without-errors*
(or #+Symbolics #'(lambda (form)
`(multiple-value-bind (.values. .errorp.)
(si::errset ,form nil)
(declare (ignore .values.))
;; errset returns nil for failure, (result) for no-error
;; thus it should work for 'do-test'
#+VAXLISP #'(lambda (form) (system::errset ,form))