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Re: :generate-accessors and print-instance

    I'm using PCL on a Xerox 1108 Koto.
    When I specify a class with :generate-accessors = nil as in
  	   (ndefstruct (thing (:class class)(:generate-accessors nil)) a b)
    with the intent that I'm never going to access the slots of
    of this class using methods like (thing-a),
    then when I try to create an instance of this class, it fails in
    print-instance when it tries to print out the result with
    function NIL'.

There is a bug in some older versions of PCL which causes this.  The new
version of PCL does not have this problem, you should get the new
version.  In the meantime, you could get around this problem by defining
accessors for your class, or by patching the definition of
all-slots-using-class to use get-slot to get the value of the slots
rather than funcalling the accessor.