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Re: Clarification

    Date: 3 Feb 87 14:12 PST
    From: Gregor.pa@Xerox.COM

    Your "fair text" describes completely different inheritance rules.  The
    case in particular, as I outlined in my message on slot inheritance the
    other day is:

    (defclass foo ()
	((a :allocation :class)))

    (defclass bar (foo)
	((a :initform ()))

    Under the rules currently in the document, and the rules I mailed out
    the other day:

     instances of the class foo share a :class variable named a
     instances of the class bar each have their own :instance variable a

    Under the rules you propose its unclear what would happen.  Perhaps
    their would be two class variables, perhaps there would be one, its not
    clear what would happen with :initform.

I agree with Gregor.

    The rules described in the document should not be changed in substance.
    I have only read them once, but they seem to match the rules which Danny
    and I came up with and which I mailed out the other day.

They were intended to.