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Moon writes:

``p1-17 "It is currently under discussion whether to provide constructs
for giving generic functions local names."  Do we want to have this
discussion, or to punt on this syntax. I recall we did come up with some
reasonble semantics for a GFLET and GFLABELS.''

I am willing to write up a proposal for this, basing it on our latest
thoughts from the mail, if people wish. I do not feel strongly about
this at the moment.

Moon writes:

``p2-19 Values: I thought we agreed that all top level forms should return
the object.  It says here defclass "returns the name of the class"''

I believe we originally tried to be consistent with all other DEF<mumble>s
in returning a name. I believe we decided it was ok to return an object
in CLOS DEF<mumble>s.

[Note: Hackers are proud of having invented the `mumble' convention. However,
there is rarely anything new under the sun. Here is a quote from the Saturday,
August 25, 1753 Adventurer by Samuel Johnson:

	   ``I remember,'' says he, ``it was on just such a morning as
	   this that I and my lord Mumble and the Duke of Tenterden were
	   out upon a ramble....''

``Tenterden'' is someone who tends a den.]
