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Re: class updating protocol

     ;;;; The class updating protocol.

I don't object to the principles of this protocol. I have some specific 
comment here, and I sent some comments about reinitialize-instance earlier
this week.
     ;;; This is called when a class is reinitialized, and the dependent has
     ;;; been recorded as one of the dependents of that class.  It is supposed
     ;;; to make sure the dependent class is updated to take the change into
     ;;; account.
     (defmethod update-dependent :around ((reinitialized-class standard-class)
     				     (dependent standard-class)
       (let ((old-access-keys (class-access-keys dependent)))
         (unless (equal old-access-keys (class-access-keys dependent))
           ;; Implementation specific code to account for the fact that
           ;; the access keys for this class have changed. This will
           ;; cause the optimization of standard-instance-access to
           ;; continue to work.
           ;; This may include a call to make-instance-obsolete.
     (defmethod update-dependent ((reinitialized-class standard-class)
     			     (dependent standard-class)
     			     &key direct-superclasses
       ;; When we are called, dependent is finalized since our finalize
       ;; inheritance method is what recorded us as a dependent.  We
       ;; have to do whatever updating is required to keep us finalized.
       ;; This includes:
       ;;  - recomputing our class-precedence-list
       ;;    go through the old and new cpls, calling remove-dependent
       ;;    and add-dependent to update our dependents.
       ;;  - recomputing our slots, this may change the value that
       ;;    class-access-keys will be returning.
       ;;  - go through the old and new slots adding and removing
       ;;    automatically generated reader and writer methods as
       ;;    required.

Does update-dependent call update-dependent on its dependents, or is the
dependent structure flat? This probably needs to be specified.
     (defmethod finalize-inheritance ((class standard-class))
       ;; When we are called, the class is supposed to not be finalized.
       ;; We are supposed to ensure that it is finalized, that an instance
       ;; can be created.  But sometimes we are called redundantly.  First
       ;; we check to see if we are already finalized, if we are, we do
       ;; nothing. If we aren't, we set cpl and slots to NIL and then call
       ;; update-dependent with only two arguments, each of which is the
       ;; class.  Once update dependent returns, we set class-finalized-p
       ;; of the class to T.

Why does finalize-inheritance have to do its work by calling 
(UPDATE-DEPENDENT class class)?  It seems backward to me. Why can't
and FINALIZE-INHERITANCE do the slot and CPL computation?
