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Bug in defaulted keyword arguments to setf methods
- To: Gregor.pa@Xerox.COM
- Subject: Bug in defaulted keyword arguments to setf methods
- From: Rob Pettengill <rcp%sw.MCC.COM@MCC.COM>
- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 88 11:42:49 CST
- Cc: CommonLoops.pa@Xerox.COM
- Redistributed: CommonLoops.pa
<cl> (use-package 'pcl)
<cl> (defclass foo () ((a)))
#<Class FOO 22167551>
<cl> (defmethod n-a ((self foo) &key (n 2)) (* n (slot-value self 'a)))
#<Method N-A (FOO) 22203641>
<cl> (defmethod-setf n-a ((self foo) &key (n 2)) (new-val)
(setf (slot-value self 'a) (/ new-val n)))
#<Method (SETF N-A) (FOO) 22214461>
<cl> (setq foo (make-instance 'foo :a 7))
#<Standard-Instance 22223151>
<cl> (n-a foo)
<cl> (n-a foo :n 3)
<cl> (setf (n-a foo) 24)
Continuable error: attempt to call `N' which is an undefined function.
If continued with :continue, prompt for a new function.
[1c] <cl> :zo
Evaluation stack:
->(CERROR "prompt for a new function." "attempt to call `~s' which is an
undefined function." N)
#:G229)) (CAR #:G230)) (T 2)))) (EXCL::KEYWORD-TEST #:G229 '(:N)) (LIST '|setf
... more older frames ...
The problem is that the setf function is trying to eval (n 2) rather
than n. I traced this problem to do-do-defmethod-setf-defsetf in the
file defs.lisp. This function appears to deal only with the "&key
foo" case and not the "&key (foo t)" or the "&key ((:foo-key foo) t)"
case. I came up with the following quick fix. I also think that
there may be a problem when &allow-other-keys are used with several
setf methods for the same generic function. The problem and fix
appear to be the same in both the 8/27/87 and 1/11/88 versions of pcl.
(IN-PACKAGE 'PCL) ; in this package
;;; fix for pcl file defs.lisp in the 8/27/87 and 1/11/88 versions so
;;; that &key arguments in setf methods are more correctly handled
(defun do-defmethod-setf-defsetf (generic-function-name
&optional (new-value-arglist '(new-value)))
(when (member '&aux arglist)
(setq arglist (reverse arglist))
(loop (when (eq (pop arglist) '&aux)
(return (setq arglist (nreverse arglist))))))
(let* ((setf-name (pcl::get-setf-generic-function-name generic-function-name))
(setf-ll (pcl::make-setf-method-lambda-list arglist new-value-arglist)))
(do-defsetf generic-function-name
;; formerly we had
;; ,,@(remove-if #'(lambda (x)
;; (member x lambda-list-keywords))
;; setf-ll)
;; which did not handle keyword args with initial values
;; There is probably still a problem with
;; &allow-other-keys keywords from previously defined
;; setf methods.
,,@(let ((optional-or-key nil))
#'(lambda (arg)
((eq arg '&optional)
(setq optional-or-key :opt) nil)
((eq arg '&key)
(setq optional-or-key :key) nil)
((member arg lambda-list-keywords) nil)
(let ((karg
(if (listp arg) (first arg) arg)))
(case optional-or-key
(:opt (list karg))
(if (listp karg) karg
(intern (symbol-name karg)
(find-package :keyword))
( t (list karg)))))))
Robert C. Pettengill, MCC Software Technology Program
P. O. Box 200195, Austin, Texas 78720
ARPA: rcp@mcc.com PHONE: (512) 338-3533
UUCP: {ihnp4,seismo,harvard,gatech,pyramid}!ut-sally!im4u!milano!rcp