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CLOS/PCL problem

I am having a problem with PCL (the "2/27/88  Post ISO PCL"version).  When
I defmethod a method with generic argument types, then define other methods
on the same generic function, my more specific argument templates are not
being used correctly.

An example of the problem is:

(defmethod test ((arg1 t) (arg2 t))

and a more specific version:

(defmethod test ((arg1 frame-item) (arg2 pattern))
	(do-frame-pattern-match arg1 arg2))

When I run 

(tst x y)

where x and y are frame-items and patterns, respectively, it still 
executes the first vewrsion of the method, which does the wrong stuff.

Am I doing something worng here?

Jeffrey Sullivan			  | University of Pittsburgh
jas@cadre.dsl.pittsburgh.edu		  | Intelligent Systems Studies Program
jasper@PittVMS.BITNET, jasst3@cisunx.UUCP | Graduate Student