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#+lispm bugs

    Date: Tue, 9 Aug 88 16:30:19 PDT
    From: Vaughan Johnson <VJOHNSON@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>

    The following code from boot.lisp and defs.lisp used to have #+lispm
    instead of #+Symbolics.  Some of it won't compile on the TI
    (dbg:report gets translated as eh:report, which has no definition),
    and the rest is probably not relevant to us on Explorers.  

    The lispm feature is not unique to Symbolics machines, so care needs
    to be taken in deciding whether to use it or the symbolics feature.

Please also note that not all Symbolics Lisp implementations are
LispM's.  We sell a 80386 Lisp which has #+Symbolics but not #+LispM.
In this case you should use #+Genera.

    Here's the changed code:

    ;;; From Boot.Lisp

    (zl:defflavor generic-clobbers-function

    (zl:defmethod (dbg:report generic-clobbers-function) (stream)
      (format stream "~S aready names a ~a"
	      (if (and (symbolp name) (macro-function name))

    (zl:defmethod (sys:proceed generic-clobbers-function :specialize-it) ()
      "Make it specializable anyway?"
      (make-specializable name))

    ;;;Edited by Vaughan Johnson       9 Aug 88  16:09
    ;;;Edited by Vaughan Johnson       9 Aug 88  16:10
    (defun ensure-generic-function (spec &rest keys
					 &key lambda-list
      (declare (ignore lambda-list argument-precedence-order declarations
		       documentation method-combination method-class))
      (let ((existing (and (gboundp spec)
			   (gdefinition spec))))
	(cond ((null existing)
	       (let ((new (apply #'ensure-gf-internal spec keys)))
		 (setq new (set-function-name new spec))
		 (setf (gdefinition spec) new)))
	      ((funcallable-instance-p existing) existing)	  
	       (zl:signal 'generic-clobbers-function :name spec)
	       (error "~S already names an ordinary function or a macro,~%~
		       it can't be converted to a generic function."

    ;;; From Defs.Lisp

    (defun do-defsetf (access store-or-args &optional store-vars &rest body)
      (let #+Genera ((si:inhibit-fdefine-warnings t))
	   #-Genera ()
	#+Symbolics (setq body (copy-list body))
	(if body
	    (eval `(defsetf ,access ,store-or-args ,store-vars ,@body))
	    (eval `(defsetf ,access ,store-or-args)))))


    Vaughan Johnson, vjohnson@sumex-aim.stanford.edu