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- To: Jim Salem <Salem@Think.COM>
- Subject: Re: CLOS needs an UNDEFMETHOD
- From: Gregor.pa@Xerox.COM
- Date: Thu, 25 Aug 88 10:46 PDT
- Cc: commonloops@Think.COM
- Fcc: BD:>Gregor>mail>outgoing-mail-3.text.newest
- In-reply-to: <19880819205643.5.SALEM@POLYCARP.THINK.COM>
- Line-fold: no
- Redistributed: CommonLoops.pa
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 88 16:56 EDT
From: Jim Salem <Salem@Think.COM>
It appears to be very difficult to write an UNDEFMETHOD in standard CLOS. I
suggest one be provided.
There is a version of undefmethod in PCL. Unfortunately, the currently
distributed one is a little difficult to use. This message has a
description, and a patch for a new one.
undefmethod is a macro, its argument list is:
If specializers is shorter than the number of required arguments of the
generic function it is padded with T's. This means that
(defmethod foo ((x class) y z) ..)
can be undone by: (undefmethod foo (class))
or by: (undefmethod foo (class t t t))
(defmethod bar :before (x (y class) z) ..)
can be undone by: (undefmethod bar :before (t class))
or by: (undefmethod bar :before (t class t))
This version of undefmethod WAS NOT in the 8/24 version put on arisia
yesterday. The version on arisia has now been patched to include the
following patches.
;from boot.lisp
(defun parse-method-or-spec (spec &optional (errorp t))
(declare (values generic-function method method-name))
(let (gf method name temp)
(if (method-p spec)
(setq method spec
gf (method-generic-function method)
temp (and gf (generic-function-name gf))
name (if temp
(make-method-spec temp
(method-qualifiers method)
(method-type-specifiers method))))
(make-symbol (format nil "~S" method))))
(multiple-value-bind (gf-spec quals specls)
(parse-defmethod spec)
(and (setq gf (and (or errorp (gboundp gf-spec))
(gdefinition gf-spec)))
(let ((nreq (compute-discriminating-function-arglist-info gf)))
(setq specls (append (parse-specializers specls)
(make-list (- nreq (length specls))
(setq method (get-method gf quals specls errorp))
(setq name
(intern-function-name (make-method-spec gf-spec
(values gf method name)))
;from high.lisp
(defmacro undefmethod (&rest args)
#+(or (not :lucid) :lcl3.0)
(declare (arglist name {method-qualifier}* specializers))
`(undefmethod-1 .,args))
(defun undefmethod-1 (args)
(multiple-value-bind (gf method)
(parse-method-or-spec args)
(when (and gf method)
(remove-method gf method)
;from high.lisp, delete the definition of undefmethod-setf