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Re: Apply fails with call-next-method

    Date: Tue, 6 Sep 88 08:30:51 CDT
    From: Rob Pettengill <rcp%sw.MCC.COM@MCC.COM>

    I am trying to write a specialized primary *initialize-instance method
    (I am using the new *make-instance protocol) that will modify the
    &rest init-plist before the inherited primary and after methods see
    the init-plist.  I tried to achieve this with apply with the following

    (defmethod pcl::*initialize-instance
               ((self one) &rest init-plist &key a &allow-other-keys)
      (apply 'call-next-method :a (if (null a) nil t) init-plist))

I think this is just caused by a typo in your code. "'apply" should be

(defmethod pcl::*initialize-instance
           ((self one) &rest init-plist &key a &allow-other-keys)
  (apply #'call-next-method :a (if (null a) nil t) init-plist))