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Problems getting PCL up under KCl/IBCL...

I have been having trouble getting PCL up under KCl/IBCL, and am
hoping that I can get some help.

The files compile all right, but when I load the file "test.lisp" into
it, one test fails and one test bombs upon loading.

Below is a script demonstrating this behavior.  Note that I have left
in the script several nagging bugs that I could get around.  I would
appreciate any assistance.  Thank you much.



Script started on Mon Nov 21 13:14:03 1988
gort pcl 51 >kcl
KCl (Kyoto Common Lisp)  June 3, 1987

>(load "defsys")
Loading defsys.lsp
Finished loading defsys.lsp

Loading binary of KCL-PATCHES...
Warning: DEFMACRO is being redefined.
Loading binary of PKG...
Error: The variable *EXPORTS* is unbound.
Error signalled by LOAD.

Broken at LOAD.  Type :H for Help.

Top level.
>(load "pkg.lsp")
Loading pkg.lsp
Finished loading pkg.lsp

Loading binary of KCL-PATCHES...
Loading binary of PKG...
Loading binary of WALK...
Loading binary of ITERATE...
Loading binary of MACROS...
Loading binary of LOW...
Loading binary of KCL-LOW...
Loading binary of FIN...
Loading binary of DEFS...
Loading binary of BOOT...
Loading binary of VECTOR...
Loading binary of SLOTS...
Loading binary of MKI...
Loading binary of INIT...
Loading binary of DEFCLASS...
Loading binary of STD-CLASS...
Loading binary of BRAID1...
Loading binary of FSC...
Loading binary of METHODS...
Loading binary of COMBIN...
Loading binary of DCODE...
Loading binary of DCODE-PRE1...
Loading binary of FIXUP...
Loading binary of HIGH...
Warning: DESCRIBE is being redefined.
Loading binary of COMPAT...

>(load "test")
Loading test.lsp

Error: No lambda expression is assigned to the symbol DO-TEST.
Error signalled by COND.

Broken at ERROR.  Type :H for Help.
PCL>>(load "test")
Loading test.lsp
The compiler was called recursively.
Cannot compile DO-TEST.
The compiler was called recursively.
Cannot compile DO-TEST-ERROR.
The compiler was called recursively.
Cannot compile CLEANUP-DO-TEST.
Testing types for early classes...OK
Testing types for late classes...OK
Testing built-in-class-of...
class-of #C(1 2) was NUMBER not COMPLEX
Testing existence of generic-functions for accessors of early classes...OK
Testing early reader/writer methods are appropriate class...OK
Testing typep works for standard-classes...OK
Testing accessors and readers should NOT be inherited...OK
Testing :accessor and :reader methods go away...OK
Testing :accessor-prefix methods go away...OK
Testing constructors go away...
The compiler was called recursively.
Cannot compile NIL.
The compiler was called recursively.
Cannot compile NIL.OK
Testing Simple with-accessors test -- does not really exercise the walker....OK
Testing Simple with-slots test -- does not really exercise the walker....OK
Testing with-slots inside of lexical closures...OK
Testing redefinition of default method has proper effect...OK
Testing call-next-method passes original arguments...OK
Testing call-next-method closures pass original arguments - 1...OK
Testing call-next-method closures pass original arguments - 2...OK
Testing call-next-method passes supplied arguments...OK
Testing call-next-method closures pass supplied arguments - 1...OK
Testing call-next-method closures pass supplied arguments - 2...OK
Testing call-next-method inside of default value form of &optional...OK
Testing specifying :type when superclass doesn't...OK
Testing Leaky next methods...OK
Testing shared-initialize with T argument and no initargs...OK
Testing shared-initialize with T argument and initargs...OK
Testing initialization arguments rules test...OK
Testing more tests for initialization arguments rules...OK
Testing initialization protocols...OK
Testing update-instance-for-different-class...OK
Testing only needed forms should be evaluated in initializing instances...OK
Testing update-instance-for-different-class/change-class...OK
Testing update-instance-for-redefined-class/make-instance-obsolete...
The compiler was called recursively.
Cannot compile NIL.
Error: The function NIL is undefined.
Error signalled by POS-RHO.
Backtrace:  > evalhook > load > let > let > catch > block > unless > and > POS-RHO

Broken at ERROR.

Top level.
gort pcl 52 >^Dexit
script done on Mon Nov 21 13:33:59 1988

Keith E. Bettinger                  "Paradise
SUNY at Buffalo Computer Science     Is exactly like
                                     Where you are right now
CSNET:    bettingr@Buffalo.CSNET     Only much much
BITNET:   bettingr@sunybcs.BITNET    Better"    - Laurie Anderson
INTERNET: bettingr@cs.buffalo.edu
UUCP:     ..{bbncca,decvax,dual,rocksvax,watmath,sbcs}!sunybcs!bettingr