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Re: new version of PCL (12/7/88)
- To: CommonLoops.pa@Xerox.COM, kiuchi.pa@Xerox.COM
- Subject: Re: new version of PCL (12/7/88)
- From: ralph%lasso%mcvax@uunet.UU.NET (Ralph P. Sobek)
- Date: Tue, 13 Dec 88 14:38:52 +0100
- Cc: Felix@AI.SRI.COM
- Redistributed: CommonLoops.pa
Keywords: Context diffs, Non-technical
| There is a new version of PCL on arisia.xerox.com.
| The *pcl-system-date* for this version is 12/7/88.
It's great to hear that the progress on pcl/CLOS continues!
Unfortunately, just before getting your message someone kindly sent me
the AAAI-88 beta release version.
My first question: is this a major release like the 8/24/88 version?
If so, is it possible or worthwhile to make available context diffs (a
la Unix) so that we could upgrade to the new version? I assume that
this solution would be attractive to all, even through FTP, who have
Unix machines. Of course, the importance is what percent smaller a
context-diff would be compared to a full release! As a starter, I
compared the St. Patricks and AAAI versions. The compressed diffs
occupied 52% of the AAAI size (also compressed).
Excuse me for diverting attention from the more technical questions.
Ralph P. Sobek | UUCP: uunet!mcvax!inria!lasso!ralph, or
| ralph@lasso.uucp
LAAS-CNRS | Internet: ralph@laas.laas.fr, or
7, avenue du Colonel-Roche | ralph%laas.laas.fr@uunet.UU.NET
F-31077 Toulouse Cedex, FRANCE | ARPA: sobek@eclair.Berkeley.EDU (forwarded\
+(33) 61-33-62-66 | BITNET/EARN: SOBEK@FRMOP11 \ to UUCP )