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check2.lisp (3/3)
- To: CommonLoops.pa@Xerox.COM
- Subject: check2.lisp (3/3)
- From: kiuchi.pa@Xerox.COM
- Date: 24 Apr 89 17:57 PDT
- Cc: kiuchi.pa@Xerox.COM
- Reply-to: <kiuchi.pa@Xerox.COM>
;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: PCL; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
;;; *************************************************************************
;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 Xerox Corporation.
;;; All rights reserved.
;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
;;; based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this
;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United
;;; States export control laws.
;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no
;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
;;; specification.
;;; Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested to send their
;;; name and post office or electronic mail address to:
;;; CommonLoops Coordinator
;;; Xerox PARC
;;; 3333 Coyote Hill Rd.
;;; Palo Alto, CA 94304
;;; (or send Arpanet mail to CommonLoops-Coordinator.pa@Xerox.arpa)
;;; Suggestions, comments and requests for improvements are also welcome.
;;; *************************************************************************
(in-package "PCL")
;;; This file contains:
;;; * almost friendly code to check to see if these new
;;; definitions will screw a given system
;;; This file is designed to be compiled and loaded in the 12/7/88
;;; version of PCL. Attempting to load it into later versions of
;;; PCL can cause bad surprises
;;; These are special stuff for computing the changes that will be
;;; caused by new implementation of compute-class-precedence-list
;;; and standard-method-combination in the next version of PCL
;;; check program for new cpl and combination-points implementations
;;; to use
;;; (1) load 12/7/88 version of PCL by (pcl:load-pcl)
;;; (2) load the program you want to analyze
;;; (3) compile and load check1.lisp and check2.lisp
;;; (4) call (pcl::check-precedence)
;;; This first part is basically lifted from gather.lisp.
(defun collect-pcl-external-symbols ()
(gathering ((result (collecting)))
(do-external-symbols (s *the-pcl-package*) (gather s result))))
(defvar *pcl-external-symbols* (collect-pcl-external-symbols))
(defvar *the-lisp-package* (find-package 'lisp))
(defvar *generic-functions* ())
(defvar *classes* ())
(defvar *methods* ())
(defvar *metaobjects* ())
(defun gather-metaobjects (&optional (scope :user))
(check-type scope
(or (member :user :all :pcl :clos) package)
"A PACKAGE or one of the symbols :user :all :pcl :clos")
(setq *generic-functions* ()
*classes* ()
*methods* ())
(labels ((walk (class)
(when (gatherp class scope)
(pushnew class *classes*)
(pushnew class *metaobjects*))
(dolist (m (class-direct-methods class))
(when (gatherp m scope)
(pushnew m *methods*)
(pushnew m *metaobjects*))
(let ((gf (method-generic-function m)))
(when (and gf (gatherp gf scope))
(pushnew gf *generic-functions*)
(pushnew gf *metaobjects*))))
(dolist (sub (class-direct-subclasses class))
(walk sub))))
(walk (find-class 't))
(format t
"~&~D Classes, ~D Generic Functions, ~D Methods."
(length *classes*)
(length *generic-functions*)
(length *methods*))))
(defmethod gatherp ((class standard-class) scope)
(let* ((name (class-name class))
(package (and name (symbolp name) (symbol-package name))))
(if (or (null package) (neq (find-class name nil) class))
(gatherp-internal name package scope))))
(defmethod gatherp ((method standard-method) scope)
(let ((generic-function (method-generic-function method)))
(and generic-function
(gatherp generic-function scope))))
(defmethod gatherp ((gf standard-generic-function) scope)
(let* ((name (generic-function-name gf))
(specp (cond ((null name) nil)
((symbolp name) 'symbol)
((and (listp name)
(eq (car name) 'setf)
(null (cddr name)))
(t nil)))
(package (ecase specp
(symbol (symbol-package name))
(setf (symbol-package (cadr name)))
((nil) nil))))
(if (or (null specp) (not (gboundp name)) (neq (gdefinition name) gf))
(gatherp-internal name package scope))))
(defun gatherp-internal (name package scope)
(case scope
(:user (and (neq package *the-pcl-package*)
(neq package *the-lisp-package*)))
(:pcl (eq package *the-pcl-package*))
(:clos (or (eq package *the-lisp-package*)
(memq name *pcl-external-symbols*)))
(:all t)
(otherwise (eq package scope))))
;;; Here is the check program
(defvar *changed-classes* ())
(defvar *changed-generic-functions* ())
(defvar *eql-gfs* ())
(defvar *specializer-error-gfs* ())
(defvar *non-standard-qualifier-gfs* ())
(defun check-precedence (&optional (scope :all))
(let ((*classes* ())
(*generic-functions* ())
(*methods* ())
(*metaobjects* ())
(*changed-classes* ())
(*changed-generic-functions* ())
(*eql-gfs* ())
(*specializer-error-gfs* ())
(*non-standard-qualifier-gfs* ()))
(format t "~%Phase 1: Gathering metaobjects...~%")
(gather-metaobjects scope)
(format t "~%~%Phase 2: Analyzing...~%")
(cond ((or *eql-gfs* *specializer-error-gfs* *non-standard-qualifier-gfs*
*changed-classes* *changed-generic-functions*)
;we do have some change
(format t "~%Phase 3: Description of effects of new precedence computation...~%")
(when *eql-gfs*
(when *specializer-error-gfs*
(when *non-standard-qualifier-gfs*
(when *changed-generic-functions*
(when *changed-classes*
;we don't have any chage
(format t "~%No differences found.")))))
;;; gather changed objects by checking check the *classes*'s cpl
;;; and *generic-functions*'s combination-points
(defun gather-changed-metaobjects ()
(dolist (class *classes*)
(unless (equal (compute-class-precedence-list class)
(compute-std-cpl class))
(push class *changed-classes*)))
(labels ((point-lessp (p1 p2)
(cond ((eq p1 p2) nil)
((eq (car p1) (car p2))
(point-lessp (cdr p1) (cdr p2)))
(member (car p2) (member (car p1) *classes*)))))
(sort-points (points)
(sort points #'(lambda (p1 p2)
(point-lessp (car p1) (car p2))))))
;; set *eql-gfs*, *non-standard-qualifier-gfs*,
;; *specializer-error-gfs* and *generic-functions*
(let ((old-sorted-points ())
(new-sorted-points ()))
(dolist (generic-function *generic-functions*)
(push (sort-points (compute-combination-points generic-function))
;; We need to make sure we are computing new combination-points
;; by using new cpl
(dolist (class *classes*)
(setf (class-precedence-list class)
(compute-std-cpl class)))
(dolist (generic-function *generic-functions*)
(push (sort-points
(*compute-combination-points generic-function))
(dolist (class *classes*)
(setf (class-precedence-list class)
(compute-class-precedence-list class))))
(iterate ((old-sort (list-elements (nreverse old-sorted-points)))
(new-sort (list-elements (nreverse new-sorted-points)))
(generic-function (list-elements *generic-functions*)))
(unless (same-method-order-p old-sort new-sort)
(push (list generic-function old-sort new-sort)
;(defun sort-methods-by-qualifiers (methods)
; (stable-sort methods
; #'(lambda (one another)
; (and (equal (method-type-specifiers one)
; (method-type-specifiers another))
; (string-lessp (prin1-to-string
; (method-qualifiers one))
; (prin1-to-string
; (method-qualifiers another)))))))
;;; check over the all points and if the order of methods of all points
;;; are same it returns t
(defun same-method-order-p (old-points new-points)
(unless (eql (length old-points) (length new-points))
(return-from same-method-order-p nil))
(iterate ((old-p-m (list-elements old-points))
(new-p-m (list-elements new-points)))
(unless (and (equal (car old-p-m)
(car new-p-m))
(same-method-order-p-1 (cadr old-p-m)
(cadr new-p-m)))
(return-from same-method-order-p nil)))
;;; check two lists of methods each other and if the order of methods
;;; are same it returns t
(defun same-method-order-p-1 (order-1 order-2)
(dolist (qualifiers '(() (:before) (:after) (:around)))
(let ((methods-1 ())
(methods-2 ()))
(dolist (m1 order-1)
(when (equal (method-qualifiers m1) qualifiers)
(push m1 methods-1)))
(dolist (m2 order-2)
(when (equal (method-qualifiers m2) qualifiers)
(push m2 methods-2)))
(unless (equal methods-1 methods-2)
(return-from same-method-order-p-1 nil))))
;;; This check program cannot analyze the behavior of generic functions
;;; which contain EQL methods. The following generic functions warned by
;;; this function should be checked by hand.
;;; If you have any generic functions such as all methods in this generic
;;; function have all EQL specailizers, you also need to check these by hand.
;;; This check program doesn't say anything because the gather program cannot
;;; gather these kinds of methods and generic functions
(defun warn-eql-gfs ()
(format t
"~%This program cannot analyze the behavior of generic functions~%~
which contain EQL methods. The following generic functions~%~
should be checked by hand:~%~%")
(dolist (gf *eql-gfs*)
(format t
" ~S~%"
(generic-function-name gf)))
(format t
"~%Keep in mind that in 12/7/88 and older versions of PCL,~%~
EQL methods did not interact properly with method combination.~%~
In the next version of PCL, this will work properly.~%~
;;; 12/7/88 version of PCL only supports standard-method-combination. This
;;; check program only handle standart method combination.
(defun warn-non-standard-qualifier-gfs ()
(format t
"~%This program cannot analyze the behavior of generic functions~%~
which using non-standard method combination. The following~%~
generic functions should be checked by hand:~%~%")
(dolist (gf *non-standard-qualifier-gfs*)
(format t
" ~S~%"
(generic-function-name gf)))
(format t
;;; wanrs the bugs in your method definitions
(defun warn-specializer-error-gfs ()
(format t
"~%The following generic functions have methods with a different~%~
number of parameter specializers. This program cannot analyze~%~
the behavior of such generic functions. A future version of~%~
PCL will signal an error in such cases.~%~%")
(dolist (gf *specializer-error-gfs*)
(format t
" ~S~%"
(generic-function-name gf)))
(format t
;;; The check program only works on generic functions filitered by this
;;; precheck.
(defun precheck-generic-functions ()
(let ((eql-gfs ())
(non-standard-qualifier-gfs ())
(specializer-error-gfs ())
(other-gfs ()))
(dolist (gf *generic-functions*)
(let* ((methods (generic-function-methods gf))
(length (method-type-specifiers (car methods)))))
(block next-gf
(dolist (method methods)
(let ((specl (method-type-specifiers method))
(qualifiers (method-qualifiers method)))
(when (neq (length specl) no-of-spec-params)
(push gf specializer-error-gfs)
(return-from next-gf))
(unless (or (cadr qualifiers)
(memq (car qualifiers)
'(() :before :after :around)))
(push gf non-standard-qualifier-gfs)
(return-from next-gf))
(dolist (spec specl)
(specializer-case spec
(:eql (push gf eql-gfs)
(return-from next-gf))
(:class nil)))))
(push gf other-gfs))))
(setq *eql-gfs* eql-gfs
*non-standard-qualifier-gfs* non-standard-qualifier-gfs
*specializer-error-gfs* specializer-error-gfs
*generic-functions* other-gfs)))
;;; warns the changes of generic functions
(defun warn-generic-function-change ()
(dolist (gf-and-points *changed-generic-functions*)
(destructuring-bind (gf old-points new-points)
(multiple-value-bind (different missing extra)
(compute-point-diffs old-points new-points)
;; check specializers to make sure
(warn-point-diffs gf old-points new-points different missing extra)))))
(defun warn-point-diffs (gf old-points new-points different missing extra)
(dolist (d different)
(warn-gf-difference gf (caar d)
(compute-gf-difference (cadar d) (cadadr d))))
(dolist (m missing)
(let ((old-super-point
(get-super-point old-points
(car m)
(get-super-point new-points
(car m)
(if (same-method-order-p-1
(cadr m)
(cadr old-super-point))
(warn-gf-redundant-point gf m :old)
(or (same-method-order-p-1 (cadr m)
(cadr new-super-point))
(warn-gf-difference gf (car m)
(cadr m)
(cadr new-super-point)))))))
(dolist (e extra)
(let ((old-super-point
(get-super-point old-points
(car e)
(get-super-point new-points
(car e)
(if (same-method-order-p-1 (cadr e)
(cadr new-super-point))
(warn-gf-redundant-point gf e :new)
(or (same-method-order-p-1 (cadr e)
(cadr old-super-point))
(warn-gf-difference gf (car e)
(cadr old-super-point)
(cadr e))))))))
(defun warn-gf-redundant-point (gf p-m old-or-new)
(declare (ignore gf p-m old-or-new))
;; This is the codes for debugging the new implementation
;; of compute-std-cpl, *compute-combination-points and check program
; (ecase old-or-new
; (:old (format t "~%Generic function ~S had a redundant point~%~
; This is now fixed in the new implementation"
; (generic-function-name gf)))
; (:new (format t "~%Generic function ~S has a redundant point~%~
; This is not a real error but should be fixed"
; (Generic-function-name gf))))
; (format t "~%point: ~S"
; (mapcar #'class-name (car p-m)))
; (format t "~%method: ~S~%"
; (mapcar #'(lambda (method)
; (mapcar #'class-name
; (method-type-specifiers method)))
; (cadr p-m)))
(defun warn-gf-difference (gf point changes)
(iterate ((qualifier (list-elements '(before after around primary)))
(change (list-elements changes)))
(unless (eq change t)
(let ((o-result (car change))
(n-result (cadr change)))
(cond ((and (null o-result)
(null n-result)))
((null o-result)
(format t
When generic-function ~S is called with instance~P of:~%~
The ~A method~P ~S ~A not applicable in old implementation~%~
Now, the method~P ~A applicable in new implementation"
(generic-function-name gf)
(length point)
(mapcar #'class-name point)
(length n-result)
(is-or-are n-result)
(length n-result)
(is-or-are n-result)))
((null n-result)
(format t
When generic-function ~S is called with instance~P of:~%~
The ~A method~P ~S ~A applicable in old implementation~%~
Now, the method~P ~A not applicable in new implementation"
(generic-function-name gf)
(length point)
(mapcar #'class-name point)
(length o-result)
(is-or-are o-result)
(length o-result)
(is-or-are o-result)))
(format t
When generic-function ~S is called with instance~P of:~%~
Order of ~A method~P has changed~%~
Old order of method~P is:~%~
New order of method~P is:~%~
(generic-function-name gf)
(length point)
(mapcar #'class-name point)
(length o-result)
(length o-result)
(length n-result)
(defun is-or-are (sequence)
(if (eq (length sequence) 1)
(defun separate-methods (ordered-methods)
(let ((before ())
(after ())
(around ())
(primary ()))
(dolist (m ordered-methods)
(let ((qualifiers (method-qualifiers m))
(spec (mapcar #'class-name
(method-type-specifiers m))))
(cond ((memq ':before qualifiers) (push spec before))
((memq ':after qualifiers) (push spec after))
((memq ':around qualifiers) (push spec around))
(push spec primary)))))
(values before
(nreverse after)
(nreverse around)
(nreverse primary))))
(defun compute-gf-difference (o-methods n-methods)
(multiple-value-bind (old-before old-after old-around old-primary)
(separate-methods o-methods)
(multiple-value-bind (new-before new-after new-around new-primary)
(separate-methods n-methods)
(list (compute-gf-difference-1 old-before new-before)
(compute-gf-difference-1 old-after new-after)
(compute-gf-difference-1 old-around new-around)
(compute-gf-difference-1 old-primary new-primary)))))
(defun compute-gf-difference-1 (old new)
(if (equal old new)
(list (subseq old
(mismatch old new :test #'equal)
(mismatch old new :test #'equal :from-end t))
(subseq new
(mismatch old new :test #'equal)
(mismatch old new :test #'equal :from-end t)))))
(defun get-super-point
(points point &optional (compute-fn #'compute-std-cpl))
(let ((list-of-cpl (mapcar #'(lambda (spec)
(funcall compute-fn spec))
(result-so-far ()))
(dolist (p-m points)
(block next-point
(let ((p (car p-m))
(label ()))
(if (equal p point)
(return-from next-point)
(iterate ((class (list-elements p))
(cpl (list-elements list-of-cpl)))
(let ((foundp (memq class cpl)))
(if foundp
(push (length foundp) label)
(return-from next-point)))))
(setq label (nreverse label))
(if result-so-far
(when (list-greater-p label (cdr result-so-far))
(setq result-so-far (cons p-m label)))
(setq result-so-far (cons p-m label))))))
(if result-so-far
(car result-so-far))))
(defun list-greater-p (label label-so-far)
(let ((number (car label))
(number-so-far (car label-so-far)))
(cond ((> number number-so-far)
((= number number-so-far)
(list-greater-p (cdr label) (cdr label-so-far))))))
;;; compute the different points for each changed generic functiuons
(defun compute-point-diffs (old-points new-points)
(let ((different ())
(missing old-points)
(extra ()))
(dolist (new-point new-points)
(let ((old-point (find (car new-point) old-points :key #'car
:test #'equal)))
(if old-point
(unless (same-method-order-p-1 (cadr old-point)
(cadr new-point))
(push (list old-point new-point) different))
(setq missing (remove old-point missing :test #'equal)))
(push new-point extra))))
(values different missing extra)))
;;; warn changed classes(cpl, default-initargs and slots[initform/initargs/
;;; allocation/type]
(defun warn-class-change ()
(dolist (class *changed-classes*)
(let ((old-cpl (compute-class-precedence-list class))
(new-cpl (compute-std-cpl class)))
(multiple-value-bind (old new)
(compute-cpl-difference old-cpl new-cpl)
(format t "~%~%Class ~S's class-precedence-list has changed~%~
Old order: ~S~%~
New order: ~S"
(class-name class)
(let ((old-default (collect-all-default-initargs class old-cpl))
(new-default (collect-all-default-initargs class new-cpl)))
(when (iterate ((old (list-elements old-default))
(new (list-elements new-default)))
(unless (and (eq (car old)
(car new))
(equal (caddr old)
(caddr new)))
(return t)))
(multiple-value-bind (o-result n-result)
(compute-initarg-difference old-default
(warn-initarg-difference class o-result n-result))))
(let ((old-slotds (collect-slotds class
(class-local-slots class)
(new-slotds (collect-slotds class
(class-local-slots class)
(multiple-value-bind (different missing extra)
(compute-slotd-diffs old-slotds new-slotds)
(warn-slotd-diffs class different missing extra))))))
(defun compute-cpl-difference (old-cpl new-cpl)
(gathering ((old (collecting))
(new (collecting)))
(iterate ((o (list-elements old-cpl))
(n (list-elements new-cpl)))
(unless (equal o n)
(gather (class-name o) old)
(gather (class-name n) new)))))
(defun compute-initarg-difference (old-default new-default)
(gathering ((o-result (collecting))
(n-result (collecting)))
(iterate ((o-default (list-elements old-default))
(n-default (list-elements new-default)))
(unless (and (eq (car o-default) (car n-default))
(equal (caddr o-default) (caddr n-default)))
(gather o-default o-result)
(gather n-default n-result)))))
(defun warn-initarg-difference (class old-default new-default)
(format t "~%Default initargs for class ~S also changed~%~
Old: ~S~%~
New: ~S"
(class-name class)
(mapcar #'(lambda (old)
(cons (car old) (cddr old)))
(mapcar #'(lambda (new)
(cons (car new) (cddr new)))
(defun compute-slotd-diffs (old-slotds new-slotds)
(let ((different ())
(missing old-slotds)
(extra ()))
(dolist (new-slotd new-slotds)
(let ((old-slotd (find-slotd (slotd-name new-slotd) old-slotds)))
(if old-slotd
(progn (unless (slotd-equal old-slotd new-slotd)
(push (list old-slotd new-slotd) different))
(setq missing (remove old-slotd missing)))
(push new-slotd extra))))
(values different missing extra)))
(defun slotd-equal (one another)
(flet ((initarg-equal (args1 args2)
(and (eql (length args1)
(length args2))
(not (dolist (arg1 args1)
(unless (memq arg1 args2)
(return t)))))))
(and (equal (slotd-initform one)
(slotd-initform another))
(initarg-equal (slotd-initargs one)
(slotd-initargs another))
(eq (slotd-allocation one)
(slotd-allocation another))
(equal (slotd-type one)
(slotd-type another)))))
(defun warn-slotd-diffs (class different missing extra)
(when (or different missing extra)
(format t "~%Slot information for class ~S has changed"
(class-name class))
(dolist (d different)
(multiple-value-bind (initform initargs allocation type)
(compute-slotd-difference (car d) (cadr d))
(warn-slotd-difference (class-name class) (slotd-name (car d))
initform initargs allocation type)))
(dolist (m missing)
(format t "~%slot named ~S for class ~S has disappeared by cpl change"
(slotd-name m)
(class-name class)))
(dolist (e extra)
(format t "~%slot named ~S for class ~S is added by cpl change"
(slotd-name e)
(class-name class)))))
(defun compute-slotd-difference (old-slotd new-slotd)
(let ((initform ())
(initargs ())
(allocation ())
(type ()))
(unless (equal (slotd-initform old-slotd)
(slotd-initform new-slotd))
(setq initform (list (slotd-initform old-slotd)
(slotd-initform new-slotd))))
(unless (equal (slotd-initargs old-slotd)
(slotd-initargs new-slotd))
(setq initargs (list (slotd-initargs old-slotd)
(slotd-initargs new-slotd))))
(unless (equal (slotd-allocation old-slotd)
(slotd-allocation new-slotd))
(setq allocation (list (slotd-allocation old-slotd)
(slotd-allocation new-slotd))))
(unless (equal (slotd-type old-slotd)
(slotd-type new-slotd))
(setq type (list (slotd-type old-slotd)
(slotd-type new-slotd))))
(values initform initargs allocation type)))
(defun warn-slotd-difference
(class-name slot-name initform initargs allocation type)
(format t "~%slot named ~S of class ~S has changed by cpl change:"
(if initform
(format t "~%initform has changed from ~S to ~S"
(car initform)
(cadr initform)))
(if initargs
(format t "~%initargs has changed from ~S to ~S"
(car initargs)
(cadr initargs)))
(if allocation
(format t "~%allocation has changed from ~S to ~S"
(car allocation)
(cadr allocation)))
(if type
(format t "~%type has changed from ~S to ~S"
(car type)
(cadr type))))
;(defun class-name-or-eql-spec (spec)
; (if (listp spec)
; spec
; (class-name spec)))