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Note on the use of PCL in GCLISP v3.1 in IBM-PS/2

To whom it may concern:

From: Bipin C. Bora
      125 Mechanical Engineering
      111 Church Street SE
      University of Minnesota
      Minneapolis, MN 55455

	  Ph: (612) 625-8003 (Off)
          (612) 625-9881 (Lab)

Sub: Problems encountered in using PCL in the GCLISP V3.1.

Dear Sir/Madam (s),
	Hi! I am a new PCL user.  I am trying to install the program in 
Gold Hill Computer's GCLISP v3.1 in an IBM-PS2 system.  I am 
however running into difficulty while compiling the program.
I suspect that the "ENVIRONMENTAL_MACRO" and its two related func-
tions are missing from the file "WALK.LSP".  I think the specific
version I have obtained does not contain the macro and the two
functions for GCLISP.  Is there anyone who has encountered a 
similar problem?  Do I write my own macro and the functions? 
If someone has already solved this problem, could I please know?
My elecronic mailing address is:


Thank you very much.