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2nd CLOS Workshop

This message is a reminder about the second CLOS workshop.  The workshop
will be held at the OOPSLA conference which will be in New Orleans this
year.  The dates for OOPSLA are October 2 - 6.

This year's workshop is targeted to persons with significant experience
with the Common Lisp Object System.  The purpose of this workshop is to
bring together a wide range of CLOS expertise in a setting which
promotes substantive interaction among the participants.  The workshop
will address current issues in the use, development and implementation
of CLOS.

In order to promote intensive interaction among workshop participants,
attendance will be limited to 30 people.  Persons who would like to
attend should submit five copies of a short (5 - 10 page) paper
describing their work with CLOS.  It is permissible for this to be a
paper which will be presented in the main track of the conference.
Papers will be reviewed by a committee, workshop participants will be
selected from the submitted papers.

Papers must be received by August 1 1989 and should be sent to:

Gregor Kiczales
Xerox PARC
3333 Coyote Hill Rd.
Palo Alto, CA 94304