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bug with initialized class slots

In (defvar *pcl-system-date* "2/8/90 A PCL for the 90's (beta 2)")
grabbed from arisia on 12feb90:

I believe there is a bug with class-allocated slots that have no
specified initialization.  In Allegro 3.1 the first of these defclass
runs OK while the second blows up at DEFCLASS time:

<cl> (defclass win ()
       ((y :allocation :class :initform '123)))

#<Standard-Class win 40322321> 

<cl> (defclass lose ()
       ((x :allocation :class)))
Error: attempt to call `nil' which is an undefined function.
[1c] <cl> :zo
Evaluation stack:

 ->(cerror "prompt for a new function, instead of `~s'." "attempt to call
`~s' which is an undefined function." ...)
   (pcl::|(method shared-initialize :after (std-class t))| #<Standard-Class
lose 37746701> t ...)
   (pcl::a-combined-method #<Standard-Class lose 37746701> t ...)
   ((:internal # 0) #<Standard-Class lose 37746701> t ...)
   (pcl::|(method initialize-instance (standard-object))| #<Standard-Class
lose 37746701> :name ...)
   ((:internal # 0) #<Standard-Class lose 37746701> :name ...)
   (pcl::|(method make-instance (std-class))| #<Standard-Class
standard-class 16333101> :name ...)
   ((:internal # 0) #<Standard-Class standard-class 16333101> :name ...)

... more older frames ...

I know of nothing in the spec that requires class slots to be