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Magic number 8 in Rainy Day PCL ???

We have some serious problems with the use of metaclasses in the
"Rainy Day" version of PCL.

The following lines of code perform an "accessor miss" error
at the 8th read access to the slot. This error occurs in ACL, LUCID
and Symbolics GENERA 7.2. Similar errors occur if you use 8 "setf"s to
set the slot.

-------------------------- CUT HERE -----------------------------------
(in-package 'pcl)

(defclass my-meta-class (pcl::standard-class)())

(defclass my-class ()
  ((slot-a :initform "default"
           :reader read-a))
  (:metaclass my-meta-class))

(setq inst (make-instance 'my-class))
(format t "inst created~%")

(format t "1. access~%")
(read-a inst)

(format t "2. access~%")
(read-a inst)

(format t "3. access~%")
(read-a inst)

(format t "4. access~%")
(read-a inst)

(format t "5. access~%")
(read-a inst)

(format t "6. access~%")
(read-a inst)

(format t "7. access~%")
(read-a inst)

(format t "8. access~%")
(read-a inst)

-------------------------- CUT HERE -----------------------------------
Is 8 a "magic number" for the Rainy Day Version :-)
Is this a known problem and are there any fixes available?


Thomas Schwab                       schwab@ifi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.dbp.de
Institut fuer Informatik
Abtl. Dialogsysteme
Herdweg 51
D - 7000 Stuttgart 1                              Tel.: (+49 | 0) 711-121-1358