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May Day PCL bugs affecting instances of redefined classes
- To: commonloops.pa@Xerox.COM
- Subject: May Day PCL bugs affecting instances of redefined classes
- From: harrisr@turing.cs.rpi.edu (Richard Harris)
- Date: Thu, 28 Jun 90 19:20:17 EDT
- Redistributed: commonloops.pa
Here are some bugs in May Day PCL I have found while
redefining classes which have existing instances.
;>>> Date: Tue, 3 Apr 90 12:06 PDT
;>>> From: Danny Bobrow <bobrow@parc.xerox.com>
;>>> Subject: Re: insert classes?
;>>> Cc: CommonLoops.PA@Xerox.COM
;>>> ...
;>>> (reinitialize-instance (find-class 'a)
;>>> :direct-superclasses (list (find-class 'c)))
;>>> This will change the direct-superclasses of A without affecting the
;>>> rest of its definition (e.g. slots defined, accessors).
;In May Day PCL, this call to reinitialize-instance does indeed affect
;the rest of its definition. I just created an extra class which
;has no (direct) slots or accessors in order to avoid this problem.
;Here are the bugs I had to fix in order to make class redefinition work:
;1. Fix a bug in invalidate-wrapper: when the state is obsolete,
; the state of every previous wrapper must be changed to obsolete.
; [added the form (when (eq state 'obsolete) ...).]
;2. Change fill-cache so that it does not assume that its argument
; is not already in the cache. This is important because invalid
; wrappers can cause the cache miss function primary-pv-cache-miss
; to be called, and the corresponding valid wrappers might already be
; in the cache.
; [added an extra argument to line-valid-p, and changed the calls to it.]
;3. Change add-pv-binding to insert code to update the wrapper variables
; after calling primary-pv-cache-miss.
; [emit-dlap and add-pv-binding were reorganized, added the function
; emit-pv-dlap.]
;*** This is not a patch file. You must edit the files
;*** cache.lisp, dlap.lisp, and vector.lisp.
(defun invalidate-wrapper (owrapper state nwrapper)
(ecase state
((flush obsolete)
(let ((new-previous ()))
;; First off, a previous call to invalidate-wrapper may have
;; owrapper as an nwrapper to update to. Since owrapper is about to
;; be invalid, it no longer makes sense to update to it.
;; We go back and change the previously invalidated wrappers so that
;; they will now update directly to nwrapper. This corresponds to a
;; kind of transitivity of wrapper updates.
(dolist (previous (gethash owrapper *previous-nwrappers*))
(when (eq state 'obsolete) ; obsolete must override flush
(setf (car previous) 'obsolete))
(setf (cadr previous) nwrapper)
(push previous new-previous))
(iterate ((type (list-elements wrapper-layout))
(i (interval :from 0)))
(when (eq type 'number) (setf (wrapper-ref owrapper i) 0)))
(push (setf (wrapper-state owrapper) (list state nwrapper))
(setf (gethash owrapper *previous-nwrappers*) ()
(gethash nwrapper *previous-nwrappers*) new-previous)))))
;(defvar *local-cache-functions*
; `(
;; Given a line number, return true IFF the line is full and
;; there are no invalid wrappers in the line, and the line's
;; wrappers are different from wrappers.
;; An error is signalled if the line is reserved.
(line-valid-p (line wrappers)
(when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved."))
(let ((loc (line-location line)))
(dotimes (i (nkeys) t)
(let ((wrapper (cache-ref (cache) (+ loc i))))
(when (or (null wrapper)
(and wrappers
(eq wrapper
(if (consp wrappers) (pop wrappers) wrappers)))
(invalid-wrapper-p wrapper))
(return nil))))))
; ))
;;; returns T or NIL
(defun fill-cache-p (forcep field cache wrappers value)
(with-local-cache-functions (cache)
(let* ((primary (location-line (compute-primary-cache-location field
(mask) wrappers))))
(multiple-value-bind (free emptyp)
(find-free-cache-line primary field cache wrappers)
(when (or forcep emptyp) (fill-line free wrappers value) t)))))
;;; Returns NIL or (values <field> <cache>)
;;; This is only called when it isn't possible to put the entry in the
;;; the easy way. That is, this function assumes that FILL-CACHE-P has
;;; called as returned NIL.
;;; If this returns NIL, it means that it wasn't possible to find a wrapper
;;; field for which all of the entries could be put in the cache (within
;;; limit).
(defun adjust-cache (field cache wrappers value)
(with-local-cache-functions (cache)
(let ((ncache (get-cache (size))))
(do ((nfield field (next-wrapper-field nfield)))
((null nfield) (free-cache ncache) nil)
(labels ((try-one-fill-from-line (line)
(fill-cache-from-cache-p nil nfield ncache cache line))
(try-one-fill (wrappers value)
(fill-cache-p nil nfield ncache wrappers value)))
(if (and (dotimes (i (nlines) t)
(when (and (null (line-reserved-p i))
(line-valid-p i wrappers))
(unless (try-one-fill-from-line i) (return nil))))
(try-one-fill wrappers value))
(return (values nfield ncache))
(flush-cache-internal ncache)))))))
;;; returns: (values <field> <cache>)
(defun expand-cache (field cache wrappers value)
(declare (values field cache) (ignore field))
(with-local-cache-functions (cache)
(multiple-value-bind (ignore size)
(compute-cache-parameters (nkeys) (valuep) (* (nlines) 2))
(let* ((ncache (get-cache size))
(nfield (wrapper-field 'number)))
(labels ((do-one-fill-from-line (line)
(unless (fill-cache-from-cache-p nil nfield ncache cache line)
(do-one-fill (line-wrappers line) (line-value line))))
(do-one-fill (wrappers value)
(multiple-value-bind (adj-field adj-cache)
(adjust-cache nfield ncache wrappers value)
(if adj-field
(setq nfield adj-field ncache adj-cache)
(fill-cache-p t nfield ncache wrappers value))))
(try-one-fill (wrappers value)
(fill-cache-p nil nfield ncache wrappers value)))
(dotimes (i (nlines))
(when (and (null (line-reserved-p i))
(line-valid-p i wrappers))
(do-one-fill-from-line i)))
(unless (try-one-fill wrappers value)
(do-one-fill wrappers value))
(values nfield ncache))))))
;;; This is the heart of the cache filling mechanism. It implements the
;;; about where entries are placed.
;;; Find a line in the cache at which a new entry can be inserted.
;;; <line>
;;; <empty?> is <line> in fact empty?
(defun find-free-cache-line (primary field cache &optional wrappers)
(declare (values line empty?))
(with-local-cache-functions (cache)
(let ((limit (funcall (limit-fn) (nlines)))
(wrappedp nil))
(when (line-reserved-p primary) (setq primary (next-line primary)))
(labels (;;
;; Try to find a free line starting at <start>. <primary>
;; is the primary line of the entry we are finding a free
;; line for, it is used to compute the seperations.
(find-free (p s)
(do* ((line s (next-line line))
(nsep (line-separation p s) (1+ nsep)))
(if (null (line-valid-p line wrappers)) ;If this line is empty or
(return (values line t)) ;invalid, just use it.
(let ((osep (line-separation (line-primary field line) line)))
(if (and wrappedp (>= line primary))
;; have gone all the way around the cache, time to quit
(return (values line nil))
(when (cond ((or (= nsep limit)) t)
((= nsep osep) (zerop (random 2)))
((> nsep osep) t)
(t nil))
;; Try to displace what is in this line so that we
;; can use the line.
(return (values line (displace line)))))))
(if (= line (1- (nlines))) (setq wrappedp t))))
;; Given a line, attempt to free up that line by moving its
;; contents elsewhere. Returns nil when it wasn't possible to
;; move the contents of the line without dumping something on
;; the floor.
(displace (line)
(if (= line (1- (nlines))) (setq wrappedp t))
(multiple-value-bind (dline dempty?)
(find-free (line-primary field line) (next-line line))
(when dempty? (copy-line line dline) t))))
(find-free primary primary)))))
(defun dlap-wrappers (metatypes)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (and (neq x 't) (allocate-register 'vector)))
(defun dlap-wrapper-moves (wrappers args metatypes miss-label slot-regs)
(gathering1 (collecting)
(iterate ((mt (list-elements metatypes))
(arg (list-elements args))
(wrapper (list-elements wrappers))
(i (interval :from 0)))
(when wrapper
(emit-fetch-wrapper mt arg wrapper miss-label (nth i slot-regs)))))))
(defun emit-dlap (args metatypes miss-label hit miss value-reg &optional
(let* ((wrappers (dlap-wrappers metatypes))
(nwrappers (remove nil wrappers))
(wrapper-moves (dlap-wrapper-moves wrappers args metatypes miss-label
(prog1 (emit-dlap-internal nwrappers
(mapc #'deallocate-register nwrappers))))
(defun add-pv-binding (method-body plist required-parameters)
(let* ((isl (getf plist :isl))
(isl-cache-symbol (make-symbol "isl-cache")))
(nconc plist (list :isl-cache-symbol isl-cache-symbol))
(with-gathering ((slot-variables (collecting))
(metatypes (collecting)))
(iterate ((slots (list-elements isl))
(i (interval :from 0)))
(cond (slots
(gather (slot-vector-symbol i) slot-variables)
(gather 'standard-instance metatypes))
(gather nil slot-variables)
(gather t metatypes))))
`((let ((.ISL. (locally (declare (special ,isl-cache-symbol))
(.PV. *empty-vector*)
,@(remove nil slot-variables))
(declare ,(make-isl-type-declaration '.ISL.)
,(make-pv-type-declaration '.PV.))
(let* ((cache (%isl-cache .ISL.))
(size (%isl-size .ISL.))
(mask (%isl-mask .ISL.))
(field (%isl-field .ISL.)))
,(generating-lap-in-lisp '(cache size mask field)
(emit-pv-dlap required-parameters metatypes slot-variables))))
(defun emit-pv-dlap (required-parameters metatypes slot-variables)
(let* ((slot-regs (mapcar #'(lambda (sv) (and sv (operand :lisp-variable
(wrappers (dlap-wrappers metatypes))
(nwrappers (remove nil wrappers)))
(flet ((wrapper-moves (miss-label)
(dlap-wrapper-moves wrappers required-parameters metatypes miss-label
(prog1 (emit-dlap-internal
nwrappers ;wrapper-regs
(wrapper-moves 'pv-miss) ;wrapper-moves
(opcode :exit-lap-in-lisp) ;hit
(flatten-lap ;miss
(opcode :label 'pv-miss)
(opcode :move
(operand :lisp `(primary-pv-cache-miss
.ISL. ,@required-parameters))
(operand :lisp-variable '.PV.))
(apply #'flatten-lap (wrapper-moves 'pv-wrapper-miss)) ; -- Maybe the
wrappers have changed.
(opcode :label 'pv-wrapper-miss)
(opcode :exit-lap-in-lisp))
'pv-miss ;miss-label
(operand :lisp-variable '.PV.)) ;value-reg
(mapc #'deallocate-register nwrappers)))))
Richard Harris