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LUV'95 Papers Presentation Program

		Royal Sonesta Hotel
		Cambridge, MA
		August 14-18, 1995

This year we have an exciting program of innovative reports on the
application of Dynamic Object Oriented Languages and techniques
to solve practical problems and advance the state of the art in
information communication and computation. Several papers clearly
demonstrate simple, effective and elegant solutions to practical problems.

Join us Tuesday August 15th in Session 1 as we discover:
1.1. A simple and elegant strategy used to make and existing CLIM
     application broadly accessible through the World Wide Web (WWW).
1.2. How CL abstractions are applied to the theoretical analysis
     and design of information retrieval systems.
1.3. A creative an effective approach using Scheme
     and Objects to rapidly build a parallel achitecture simulator.
1.4. A self generating publication written in "noweb" to demonstrate both the
     effectiveness of Literate programming and an example implementation
     of Engines in Lisp.
1.5. STRUCTURELAB - how the flexibility of CL is applied to seamlessly
     integrate multiple heterogenous systems into one environment for
     the analysis of RNA structures (this system can also be viewed on the WWW).

Join us Wednesday August 16th and Thursday August 17th in Session 2
as we discover:
2.1. An application of CLOS to support reusability and experimentation
     in programmin with capabilities.
2.2. An application of the MetaObject Protocol to integrate
     Persistent Metadata in your CLOS environment.
2.3. An approach to dynamic object distribution using remote delegation.
2.4. A small embedded language called "L" (subset of CL) used to breath
     life into small autonomous robots responding in real-time
     to sensory inputs.
2.5. An approach using CLOS object structuring techniques for
     seamless information retrieval and intelligent data analysis
     in the GeneIS system.
2.6. A Graphical User Interface Builder using
     CLIM to generate gadget-oriented graphical interfaces.

See the detailed paper presentation program below.

Announcing the Annual Association of Lisp Users Meeting and Workshop,
the Fifth International Lisp Users And Vendors Conference (LUV'95)

Royal Sonesta Hotel
5 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02142-1299
August 14-17, 1995

Program Highlights include:

Keynote speeches by Howard E. Shrobe (ARPA), Guy L. Steele Jr. (Sun
Microsystems), and Gerald J. Sussman (MIT).

GNU Emacs Lisp tutorial by Richard Stallman (Free Software Foundation).

Advanced CLIM tutorials by CLIM developers Colin Meldrum (Franz, Inc),
Scott McKay (Harlequin, Inc.), and John Aspinall (Harlequin, Inc.).

The other tutorials being offered are Efficiency/Optimization,
Introduction to Dylan, Programming World Wide Web Applications,
Macros & Compiler Macros for Abstraction & Optimization, and Object
Oriented & Relational Databases.


Technical Papers Presented at the Conference:

SESSION 1. Tuesday August 15th
	Time: 4:00-6:00

1.1	Adapting CLIM Applications for Use on the World Wide Web
	Suzanne M. Paley and Peter D. Karp
	Artificial Intelligence Center
	SRI International, Menlo Park, California.
1.2.	A Workbench for Information Retrieval Experimentation
	Christian Plaunt
	School of Information Management and Systems, UC Berkeley, California.
1.3.	A Parallel Architecture Simulator for the Lambda-Matrix
	Data Flow Language
	Guilhem de Wailly and Fernand Boeri
	Laboratoire d'Informatique Signaux et Systemes
	URA 1376 du CNRS et de l'Universite de Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France.
1.4.	Literate Engines in Lisp
	Raja Sooriamurthi
	Computer Science Department, Lindley Hall,
	Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405.

1.5.	STRUCTURELAB: A Heterogeneous System for the Analysis of RNA Structures
	Bruce A. Shapiro and Wojciech Kasprzak,
	National Cancer Institute,
	Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center
	National Institute of Health, Frederick, MD. 21702

	Part (a) Wednesday August 16th
	Time: 2:30-3:30
	Part (b) Thursday August 17th
	Time: 2:30-3:30

2.1.b	Programming Object Oriented Design with Capabilities
	Martin Brooks
	National Research Council of Canada

2.2.a	Persistent Metadata: A Metaobject Protocol Based Approach
	Eric L. Peterson, Artificial Intelligence Technical Center
	MITRE Corporation, MacLean, VA 22102-3481
2.3.a	MIT SchMUSE: Class-Based Remote Delegation
	in a Capricious Distributed Environment
	Michael R. Blair, Natalya Cohen, David M. LaMacchia and Brian K. Zuzga,
	MIT, Massachusetts.
2.4.a	"L" - A Common Lisp For Embedded Systems
	Rodney Brooks and Charles Rosenberg
	IS Robotics, Sommerville, Massachusetts.
2.5.b	A CLOS Approach in GeneIS Construction
	Chuanbo Xu, Peter N. Saurugger and Aamir Razzak
	Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Johnston, IA50131
	and Molecular Informatics, Des Moines, IA 50311.

2.6.b	MIRAGE: A CLIM-based Editor for Building
	Gadget-oriented Graphical User Interfaces
	Nichael Lynn Cramer
	BBN System and Technologies

For further information:

Check out the ALU home page for full program and registration
information at http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/miller/alu.html.

If you would like to receive a brochure to register for the conference
please provide complete information including your full name, address,
phone and fax number and e-mail address.

	Conference Organizers
	Meetings Unlimited <luv-organizer@ai.sri.com>
	P.O. Box 294
	Malvern, PA  19355
	610-651-0797	610-651-0936 FAX

Please make hotel reservations directly with the Royal Sonesta
(617) 491-3600.  Reservations made by July 28 will qualify for
conference rate of $129, single or double occupancy.

Olivier Clarisse	     "Languages are not unlike living organisms
Member of Technical Staff     can they adapt and improve to survive?"
AT&T Bell Laboratories