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Help needed in compiling express-window files!

[Removed express-windows-request@atc.boeing.com]

    Date: Tue, 22 May 90 15:58:28 HST
    From: Ashok Kumar Kamshatti <ashok@wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu>

    I copied Express Windows software from the  public  directory  of
    trix.ai.mit.edu  and  tried  compiling the files using Allegro CL
    3.1.4. I started getting different error messages and it was  not
    able  to  compile  some  of  the  files  [lisp-window.lisp, file-
    manager.lisp,  system.lisp,  processes.lisp,  demos.lisp,   menu-
    definer.lisp, sym-comp.lisp, clx-hacks.lisp].


    Error: Invalid initialization argument :NAME for class PROGRAM-FRAMEWORK


All of these "Invalid initialization argument" errors are the result of
using a version of PCL newer than AAAI PCL (AAAI PCL (August 1988) being
the one packaged in the Express Windows files).  You will need to
perform several modifications to the Express Windows code in order to
get it to run in this newer version of PCL (Victoria Day (May 1989), in
your case, being the version of PCL supplied with Franz's Allegro CL).
See the attached message which recently appeared on express-windows.

Stephen L. Nicoud  <snicoud@atc.boeing.com>  uw-beaver!bcsaic!snicoud
Boeing Advanced Technology Center for Computer Sciences

------- Forwarded Message -------
Date: Fri, 11 May 90 16:19 PDT
From: Stephen L. Nicoud <snicoud@atc.boeing.com>
Subject: EW with May Day PCL
To: express-windows@atc.boeing.com

The version of PCL provided with EW is the AAAI Day version (August
1988).  Since we have been using Victoria Day, Rainy Day, and now, May
Day PCL, we knew we were gonna have to convert EW for those versions.

Here's a (hopefully somewhat complete and accurate) list of changes we
made that make EW compatible with May Day PCL (should be fine with Rainy
Day, too; don't know about Victoria Day, though).

1. Gave ":initarg"s to all slots in all the defclass forms.  The
:initarg should be a symbol in the keyword package with the same as the
name of the slot.

2. Removed use of :accessor-prefix in defclass forms, installing
":accessor" for every slot in every class.  The :accessor should be a
symbol with the name of the class prepended to the name of the slot
(with an intervening hyphen).

3. In frames.lisp, define-program-framework should use :initarg and
:accessor now.  So, replace

	    ,(mapcar #'(lambda (variable)
			 (if (consp variable)
			     `(,(first variable) :INITFORM ,(second variable))
	    (:accessor-prefix ,(intern (lisp-format NIL "~A-" name))))


	    ,(mapcar #'(lambda (variable)
			 (if (consp variable)
			     `(,(first variable)
			       :accessor ,(intern (lisp:format NIL "~A-~A" name (first variable))
						  (symbol-package name))
			       :initarg ,(intern (string (first variable)) :keyword)
			       :INITFORM ,(second variable))

4. Removed the &rest arguments in print-object methods in frames.lisp
and macros.lisp (and removed their corresponding (declare (ignore
ignore)) statements).

5. Added this form at the end of system.lisp in order for macros.lisp to
compile properly.

	(when (boundp 'pcl::*defclass-times*)
	  (pushnew 'compile pcl::*defclass-times*)
	  (pushnew 'compile pcl::*defmethod-times*))

6. In type.lisp, lisp-window.lisp, presentation-types.lisp,
flavors-to-pcl.lisp: change PCL::IWMC-CLASS-P to PCL::STANDARD-CLASS-P.

7. In lisp-window.lisp, calls to define-lisp-command with keyword args
broke lucid3.0 (">>Trap:  Bus error").  This is a PCL problem, I think.
What I did was to add an "&rest ignore" to the arglist if it has &key in
it.  Basically, it just looks for &key and splices in "&rest ignore" if
it finds it there.  While it seems to be only a PCL problem, it
shouldn't hurt any other CLOS's to do this (I hope).

So, in frames.lisp replace:

(defun get-argument-list (args)
  (let ((args (mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
			  (if (symbolp arg) arg
			      (list (first arg) (getf (cddr arg) :DEFAULT))))
    (when args
      (cons '&OPTIONAL args))))


(defun get-argument-list (args)
  (let ((args (mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
			  (if (symbolp arg) arg
			      (list (first arg) (getf (cddr arg) :DEFAULT))))
    (let ((key-position (position '&key args)))
      (when key-position
	(cond ((zerop key-position) (setq args (append '(&rest ignore) args)))
	      (t (let* ((list (append '(&rest ignore) (nthcdr key-position args))))
		   (setq args (rplacd (nthcdr (%1- key-position) args) list))))))
      (when args
	(cons '&OPTIONAL args)))))

Stephen L. Nicoud  <snicoud@atc.boeing.com>  uw-beaver!bcsaic!snicoud
Boeing Advanced Technology Center for Computer Sciences
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