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Font problem with Express-windows, ACL, DS3100

I have a problem with launching Express-windows on a DECstation 3100 Running
Franz ACL 3.1, and UWS 2.2. 

In short, a (xlib:font-ascent some-font-object) causes a name-error, while
other slots like xlib:font-name are accessed without problem. When I open
another display in the same environment and open new fonts, the bug
disappears. I am afraid this is a situation where the Allegro and
Express-windows will throw the ball at each other. Anyway, any kind of
indication on what to investigate next would be useful.


Here is a transcript of the session, the interesting stuff is at the end.

dribbling to file "/user/rit/drib"
LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VERSION: 3.1.12 [DEC 3100] (3/30/90)
SHORT-SITE-NAME: ostrich.Stanford.EDU
emacs: $Header: emacs.cl,v 1.2 89/08/07 16:54:38 layer Rel $
ipc: $Header: ipc.cl,v 1.26 89/08/16 13:52:26 layer Rel $
loop: $Header: loop.cl,v 1.2 89/07/22 18:56:13 layer Rel $
Allegro Composer: Composer Final 1.0.17 (3/16/90 12:30)
disassmip: $Header: disassmip.cl,v 1.1 89/08/10 12:26:22 layer Rel $
X Common Windows: X-CW 1.3.final.11 (3/19/90 16:15)
cstructs: $Header: cstructs.cl,v 1.18 89/08/22 11:42:07 layer Rel $
sigio: $Header: sigio.cl,v 1.3 89/08/24 14:03:01 layer Rel $
trace: $Header: trace.cl,v 1.35 89/07/22 18:56:24 layer Rel $
mdproc: $Header: mdproc.cl,v 1.20 89/07/22 18:56:29 layer Rel $
process: $Header: process.cl,v 1.44 89/08/17 18:45:20 layer Rel $
foreign: $Header: foreign.cl,v 1.49 89/08/28 14:45:00 layer Rel $

<cl 3> :ld def-ew.lisp

; Loading /usr/local2/cl/lib/code/def-ew.lisp.
<cl 4> (load-ew)

; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/require.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/define-defpackage.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/defpackage.fasl.
Error: "EXPRESS-WINDOWS" is a package name, so it cannot be a nickname for "EW".

Restart actions (select using :continue):
 0: Ignore this nickname.
[1c] <cl 5> :continue

; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/clx-hacks.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/meter.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/cl-clos-macros.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/fixnum-macros.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/x-macros-interface.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/fonts.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/macros.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/x-interface.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/read-internal.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/quad-trees.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/base-presentations.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/type.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/scrolling.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/graphic-primitives.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/io-functions.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/command-processor.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/misc.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/memo.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/table.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/query.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/completion.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/frames.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/input-editor.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/proprietary-presentation-types.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/presentation-types.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/lisp-window.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/demos.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/sym-comp.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/time.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/lisp-machine-lisp-compatible.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/file-manager.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/menu-definer.fasl.
; Fast loading /usr/local/ew/binary/excl/rel3/processes.fasl.

<cl 6> (in-package 'ew)

#<The EW package, 2762 internal, 375 external> 
<cl 7> (setq *default-host* "killdeer")

<cl 8> (initialize-window-system)
Debug: Asynchronous NAME-ERROR in request 97 (last request was 158)  Code 45.0 [OpenFont]

Restart actions (select using :continue):
 0: Ignore
[1c] <cl 9> :zoom
Evaluation stack:

 ->(CERROR "Ignore" XLIB:NAME-ERROR ...)
   (APPLY #<Function CERROR @ #x-fb128be> "Ignore" ...)
   (APPLY #<Function CERROR @ #x-fb128be> "Ignore" ...)
   (APPLY #<Function X-CERROR @ #x-fa0b8b6> "Ignore" ...)
   (APPLY #<Function X-CERROR @ #x-fa0b8b6> "Ignore" ...)
   (XLIB:DEFAULT-ERROR-HANDLER #<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> XLIB:NAME-ERROR ...)
   (APPLY XLIB:DEFAULT-ERROR-HANDLER #<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> ...)

... more older frames ...
[1c] <cl 10> :dn 9
Evaluation stack:

... 7 more (possibly invisible) newer frames ...

   (APPLY #<Function X-CERROR @ #x-fa0b8b6> "Ignore" ...)
   (XLIB:DEFAULT-ERROR-HANDLER #<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> XLIB:NAME-ERROR ...)
   (APPLY XLIB:DEFAULT-ERROR-HANDLER #<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> ...)
   (APPLY XLIB:DEFAULT-ERROR-HANDLER #<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> ...)
 ->(XLIB::REPORT-ERROR #<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> 15 ...)
   (APPLY #<Function REPORT-ERROR @ #x-f970d5e> #<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> ...)
   (APPLY #<Function REPORT-ERROR @ #x-f970d5e> #<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> ...)
   (XLIB::READ-ERROR-INPUT #<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> 97 ...)

... more older frames ...
[1c] <cl 11> :dn 9
Evaluation stack:

... 16 more (possibly invisible) newer frames ...

   (XLIB::READ-REPLY #<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> #s(XLIB::PENDING-COMMAND :SEQUENCE # :REPLY-BUFFER # ...))
   (XLIB::QUERY-FONT #<XLIB:FONT -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1 killdeer:0 14680066>)
   (XLIB::FONT-FONT-INFO #<non-lisp object @ #x2> )
   (XLIB:FONT-ASCENT #<Function GET-FONT-FROM-STYLE @ #x-f47eda6>)
 ->(FONT-HEIGHT #<XLIB:FONT -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1 killdeer:0 14680066>)
   (APPLY #<Function (METHOD EW:SET-WINDOW-STYLE (EW:WINDOW T)) @ #x-f4226ae> #<PRESENTATION-WINDOW -1643253106> ...)
   (APPLY #<Function (METHOD EW:SET-WINDOW-STYLE (EW:WINDOW T)) @ #x-f4226ae> #<PRESENTATION-WINDOW -1643253106> ...)

... more older frames ...
[1c] <cl 12> (setq font2 (xlib:open-font *x-display* "courier12"))

#<XLIB:FONT courier12 killdeer:0 14680209> 
[1c] <cl 13> (xlib:font-name font2)

[1c] <cl 14> (xlib:font-ascent font2)
Debug: Asynchronous NAME-ERROR in request 98 (last request was 160)  Code 45.0 [OpenFont]

Restart actions (select using :continue):
 0: Ignore
 1: Ignore
[2c] <cl 15> :pop
Previous error: Asynchronous NAME-ERROR in request 97 (last request was 158)  Code 45.0 [OpenFont]
If continued, Ignore
[1c] <cl 16> (xlib:font-direction font2)
Debug: Asynchronous NAME-ERROR in request 99 (last request was 161)  Code 45.0 [OpenFont]

Restart actions (select using :continue):
 0: Ignore
 1: Ignore
[2c] <cl 17> :pop
Previous error: Asynchronous NAME-ERROR in request 97 (last request was 158)  Code 45.0 [OpenFont]
If continued, Ignore
[1c] <cl 18> 

[1c] <cl 18> (dribble)

;;; Then I tried to open my own display:

dribbling to file "/user/rit/drib2"
[1c] <cl 20> (setq *dd* (xlib:open-display "killdeer"))

#<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> 
[1c] <cl 21> (xlib:open-font *dd* "courier12")

#<XLIB:FONT courier12 killdeer:0 23068673> 
[1c] <cl 22> (xlib:font-ascent *)

[1c] <cl 23> (describe *x-display*)
#<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> is a XLIB:DISPLAY
 There are 69 elements
[1c] <cl 24> (describe *dd*)
#<XLIB:DISPLAY killdeer:0 (DECWINDOWS DigitalEquipmentCorporation UWS2.2 R1)> is a XLIB:DISPLAY
 There are 69 elements
[1c] <cl 25> (dribble)