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EW List status

To: EW List recipients

It's been almost a year since any substantive messages have appeared
on the Express Windows mailing list (express-windows@boeing.com).

Because of that and other commitments on my part, I intend to close
down the list on boeing.com on September 1st.

Additionally, on the same date the original and Goodwill versions of
Express Windows will be removed from the /pub/ew directory on
atc.boeing.com [].

If you are interested in picking up the task of administering the
list, and/or if you know of a site that would be willing to pick a copy of
EW code, please contact me at stephen@boeing.com.

Stephen L Nicoud  <stephen@boeing.com>  uw-beaver!bcsaic!stephen
Boeing Computer Services Research and Technology, Computer Science
Bellevue, Washington  USA
"I ask unananimous consent to revise and extend my remarks."