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Re: Franz Question
- To: David.Yaskin@cmu-cs-h.ARPA
- Subject: Re: Franz Question
- From: johnson <johnson%udel-dewey.delaware@udel-relay.ARPA>
- Date: Mon, 12 Nov 84 03:07:41 GMT
- Cc: franz-friends@Berkeley, johnson%udel-eecis1.delaware@udel-relay.ARPA
- Original-date: Sun, 11 Nov 84 22:07:41 EST
-------------------- for franz -----------------------------
In franz lisp, 'prinlevel' is a variable controlling the
depth to which the top-level is to print lists, 'prinlength'
controls how many elements of a list are printed by the
top-level. For either variable, a value of 'nil' represents
infinite depth or length.
If franz is printing expressions as '&' then
prinlevel has a value of 0.
you should
(setq prinlevel nil)
to print lists of arbitrary depth.
(see Appendix B of the Franz manual)
---------------- for CMU --------------------
In CMULisp, tlprint does the top-level printing, and this is
defined, (in, at least the 2 systems that I use) as:
'(lambda (x) (printlev x 4))
if your functions always return &, then perhaps someone has defined
it as '(lambda (x) (printlev x 0))
if you want to change it you may either:
1. (sstatus translink nil)
(defun tlprint (x) (printlev x <some-large-number>))
OR, the solution I prefer:
2. (load 'toplevel) ; unnecessary in some installations.
(defun tlprint (x) (top-print x))
causing 'prinlevel' and 'prinlength' to have
the effect described above for the franz system.
NB: the tempting solution:
(defun tlprint (x) (printlev x prinlevel))
FAILS in the case that prinlevel is nil