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Re: dispatching on keywords
- To: birkholz@crl.dec.com, dyer@eagle.sharebase.com
- Subject: Re: dispatching on keywords
- From: dyer@eagle.sharebase.com (Scot Dyer)
- Date: Tue, 17 Nov 92 15:51:16 PST
- Cc: info-dylan@cambridge.apple.com, macrakis@osf.org, patl@goldfish.mitron.tek.com, ranson@LANNION.cnet.fr
From: birkholz@crl.dec.com
/// It is correct that un-anticipated exception values will 'cascade' in
/// this kind of a scheme. This is handy in that it produces a
/// back-trace which it is simple to build a browser to view.
/// It is _not_ handy in that it produces something that could be
/// _mistaken_ for a backtrace. Why throw away the stack in order to
/// generate something that looks like the stack but from which you can't
/// continue?
Well, if the stack weren't actually destroyed on exit from a function with an
error value (this is easy enough for a compiler to do)*, the stack can still
exist when and if method-dispatch can find no appropriate method to continue
In my own personal code, I would re-call the function with parameters that
don't create an error, but I don't want to force my style on other people.
This was actually an unexpected issue, but if you read on, I think it can be
resolved with little loss of elegance (and only 1 function and 1 class)
/// This is a good argument. Sometimes one wants errors handled
/// transparently, I'll admit to that, but having that be the _only_ way
/// can make life harder when you just want to define a simple function
/// like
/// (define-method file-exists? (file-name)
/// (not (error? (open-file file-name))))
/// This is a situation where the context of an error happens to be
/// unimportant. I don't think it justifies throwing away potentially
/// relevant information (i.e. pop the stack) by default, for errors you
/// weren't expecting -- errors for which any relevant information may be
/// crucial. It _should_ take a few more keystrokes to abandon the error
/// context in this situation.
Yes, and I would assert that this is a goodly number of the cases where one
wants to be able to detect an exceptional condition. Insisting that non-local
control be used forces programmers to obfuscate such simple constructs in
their code.
Perhaps if a re-start mechanism were availible you would be more ammenable to
this scheme? I think it would be easy enough to provide one. Something like
(restart <restartable-error>). Restartable conditions could inherit from
the abstract class <restartable-error> which provides a slot 'continuation'
that can be called.
-- Scot
* Leaving the stack un-touched if an error occurs is actually _trivial_
compared to trying to determine what functions have stable return types.