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toy browser

Enclosed in this message is a toy browser written for MACL 1.3.x.
This was written in two hours (one hour to prototype, and one hour
to refine---done on a wager with a Pascal hacker :-).  It's actually
kind of cute, and may be functional.

I'm enclosing it, cause it's pretty short, and I don't have much experience
with FTP.



----------cut here--------------
(setq *save-definitions* t)

(defun find-subclasses (&optional (root (ask nil (self))))
  (cons root
        (mapcan #'find-subclasses
                (ask root (objvar object-children)))))

(defobfun (search-for-def *fred-window*) (class &optional method)
  (let* ((search-string (coerce (if method
                                    (format nil "(defobfun (~a ~a)" method class)
                                    (format nil "(defobject ~a" class))
         (buffer (window-buffer))
         (pos (buffer-string-pos buffer search-string)))
    (when pos
      (set-mark (window-cursor-mark)
                (buffer-line-start buffer pos))
      (set-mark (window-start-mark)
                (buffer-line-start buffer pos (- *next-screen-context-lines*))))

(defun make-browser (&optional (root (ask nil (self))))
  (oneof *dialog*
         :window-title (format nil "browser for ~a"
                               (ask root (objvar object-name)))
         :window-type :document
         :window-position #@(205 79)
         :window-size #@(575 447)
         :window-font '("geneva" 9 :srccopy :plain)
         (list (make-dialog-item *static-text-dialog-item*
                 #@(145 189) #@(380 61) ""
                 :dialog-item-nick-name 'documentation)
               (make-dialog-item *static-text-dialog-item*
                 #@(144 170) #@(421 16) ""
                 :dialog-item-nick-name 'arglist)
               (make-dialog-item *static-text-dialog-item*
                 #@(144 154) #@(417 16) ""
                 :dialog-item-nick-name 'source-file)
               (make-dialog-item *static-text-dialog-item*
                 #@(6 187) #@(110 16) "Documentation:"
                 :dialog-item-font '("chicago" 12))
               (make-dialog-item *static-text-dialog-item*
                 #@(6 170) #@(101 16) "Argument List:"
                 :dialog-item-font '("chicago" 12))
               (make-dialog-item *static-text-dialog-item*
                 #@(6 152) #@(84 16) "Source File:"
                 :dialog-item-font '("chicago" 12))
               (make-dialog-item *button-dialog-item*
                 #@(411 420) #@(120 16) "Get Source File"
                 #'(lambda ()
                     (let* ((class (ask (ask-named-item 'class-table
                                          (let* ((cell (car (selected-cells))))
                                            (when cell (cell-contents cell))))
                                     (objvar object-name)))
                            (method (ask-named-item 'method-table
                                      (let* ((cell (car (selected-cells))))
                                        (when cell (cell-contents cell)))))
                             (car (if method
                                      (ccl::get-source-files method 'function class)
                                      (ccl::get-source-files class 'variable)))))
                       (ask (ccl::find-or-fred source-file t)
                         (search-for-def class method))))
                 :dialog-item-font '("chicago" 12)
                 :default-button nil
                 :dialog-item-nick-name 'source-button)
               (make-dialog-item *static-text-dialog-item*
                 #@(4 259) #@(562 145) ""
                 :dialog-item-nick-name 'source-text
                 :allow-returns t)
               #|(make-dialog-item *static-text-dialog-item*
                 #@(6 237) #@(90 16) "Source Code:" nil
                 :dialog-item-font '("Chicago" 12 :srccopy :plain)) |#
               (make-dialog-item *sequence-dialog-item*
                 #@(384 0) #@(191 143) ""
                 :dialog-item-nick-name 'variable-table
                 :cell-size #@(180 14)
                 :table-hscrollp nil
                 :table-vscrollp t
                 :table-sequence '())
               (make-dialog-item *sequence-dialog-item*
                 #@(192 0) #@(191 143) ""
                 #'(lambda ()
                     (if (double-click-p)
                         (ask-named-item 'source-button
                     (let* ((*print-pretty* t)
                            (class (ask-named-item 'class-table
                                     (cell-contents (car (selected-cells)))))
                            (class-name (ask class (objvar object-name)))
                            (method (cell-contents (car (selected-cells))))
                            (source-form (ask class
                                            (symbol-function method))))
                            (source-string (if source-form
                                               (prin1-to-string source-form)
                                               ";source not available"))
                            (arglist-string (let* ((my-stream
                                              (arglist-to-stream method my-stream)
                                              (get-output-stream-string my-stream)))
                            (doc-string (documentation method 'function)))
                       (ask-named-item 'source-text
                         (set-dialog-item-text source-string))
                       (let* ((pathname (car (ccl::get-source-files method
                         (ask-named-item 'source-file
                           (set-dialog-item-text (if pathname
                                                        (namestring pathname))
                                                     "source file not recorded"))))
                       (ask-named-item 'arglist
                         (set-dialog-item-text arglist-string))
                         (ask-named-item 'documentation
                         (set-dialog-item-text (or doc-string
                                                   "no documentation string"))))))
                 :dialog-item-nick-name 'method-table
                 :cell-size #@(180 14)
                 :table-hscrollp nil
                 :table-vscrollp t
                 :table-sequence '())
               (make-dialog-item *sequence-dialog-item*
                 #@(0 0) #@(191 143) ""
                 #'(lambda ()
                     (if (double-click-p)
                         (ask-named-item 'source-button
                     (ask-named-item 'method-table
                       (mapcar #'cell-deselect (selected-cells)))
                     (let* ((class (car (selected-cells)))
                            (funcs nil)
                            (vars nil)
                            (class-name nil))
                       (when class
                         (setq class (cell-contents class))
                         (setq class-name (ask class (objvar object-name)))
                         (do-object-functions (one-func class)
                           (push one-func funcs))
                         (do-object-variables (one-var class)
                           (push one-var vars)))
                       (ask-named-item 'method-table
                         (set-table-sequence (sort funcs #'string<)))
                       (ask-named-item 'variable-table
                         (set-table-sequence (sort vars #'string<)))
                       (let* ((pathname (car (ccl::get-source-files class-name
                         (ask-named-item 'source-file
                           (set-dialog-item-text (if pathname
                                                       (namestring pathname))
                                                     "source file not recorded"))))
                       (ask-named-item 'arglist
                         (set-dialog-item-text ""))
                       (ask-named-item 'documentation
                         (set-dialog-item-text (or (documentation class-name 'variable)
                                                   "no documentation string")))))))
                 :dialog-item-nick-name 'class-table
                 :cell-size #@(180 14)
                 :table-hscrollp nil
                 :table-vscrollp t
                 :table-sequence (sort (delete-duplicates
                                        (find-subclasses root))
                                       :key #'(lambda (object)
                                                (ask object (objvar object-name))))
                 :table-print-function #'(lambda (object stream)
                                           (format stream "~a"
                                                   (ask object
                                                     (objvar object-name))))))))
