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file system
- To: info-macl@brazil.cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: file system
- From: Ute Gappa <gappa%ira.uka.de@RELAY.CS.NET>
- Date: Thu, 20 Sep 90 20:10:23 MET DST
When while writing on a file (with-open-file .. (Format ...))
the volume runs out of space, the file-system of MACL 1.3.2 gets totally confused.
It seems like a bug to us.
Even if you delete some files and start again to write the file, you get the same error
message.Example code:
(defun fill_disk (nummer)
(with-open-file (file (make-pathname :directory "an empty 800 K Disk"
:name (princ-to-string nummer))
:direction :output
:if-exists :overwrite
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(dotimes (x 10000)
(format file "A lot of unimportant stuff"))))
(defun small_file ()
(with-open-file (file (make-pathname :directory "an empty 800 K Disk"
:name "Small")
:direction :output :if-exists :overwrite
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(dotimes (x 100)
(format file "Some more Bytes"))))
(fill_disk 1)
==> nil
(fill_disk 2)
==> nil
(fill_disk 3)
==> nil ,17 K free
(fill_disk 4)
> Error: Error #512
> While executing: CCL::TYO
> Type Command-/ to continue, Command-. to abort.
1 >
> Error: Error #-23198
> While executing: "Unknown"
> Type Command-/ to continue, Command-. to abort.
1 >
(delete-file "an empty 800 K Disk:1")
==> #P"an empty 800 K Disk:1", file deleted, 254K free
1 >
> Error: Error #512
> While executing: CCL::TYO
> Type Command-/ to continue, Command-. to abort.
1 >
> Error: Error #-24242
> While executing: "Unknown"
> Type Command-/ to continue, Command-. to abort.
We managed to circumvent this 'BUG' by directing the output
to a *FRED-WINDOW* saving it afterwards.
Example code:
(defun small_file_2 ()
(let ((file (oneof *fred-window*)))
(ask file (set-window-filename "an empty 800 K Disk:small2")
(dotimes (x 100)
(format file "Some more Bytes"))
==> nil, file created
Karsten Poeck and Ute Gappa
Karlsruhe University
Institut of Logic
P.O. BOX 6980, 7500 Karlsuhe, West-Germany
e-mail: gappa@ira.uka.de