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Re: Faster image processing on the Mac

In message <9101071550.AA04367@adler.philosophie.uni-stuttgart.de > Mark Johnson 
> It would be nice if 8 bit integer arithmetic could be speeded up
> a bit, and I suspect it wouldn't be that hard to do.  It would
> be nicer still if MACL's floating point arithmetic could be speeded up,
> but I suspect that would be much harder.
> Oh yes, if I recall correctly, we used Mac OS trap calls to do all
> our input and output, speeding I/O performance considerably.
> Mark

Did you try to speed up the mac with software accelerators like e.g.
Radius SANE?  I haven't tried that with MACL myself, but it may have
dramatic effects with other programs.

Espen Vestre
Dep. of Math., Univ. of Oslo