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- To: info-macl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: (font-height)
- From: lynch@aristotle.ils.nwu.edu (Richard Lynch)
- Date: Wed, 23 Jan 91 10:49:18 CST
Anyone have any idea why in something like this:
(defobfun (exist *my-dialog) (init-list)
(usual-exist init-list)
(oneof *my-static-text-dialog-item*
:dialog-item-nick-name 'text
:dialog-item-position #@(4 40)
(ask-named-item 'text (font-height))
The (font-height) function returns 341?
It's rather annoying, since I'd like to format the text to fit into a
square window, and re-size the window...
"TANSTAAFL" Rich lynch@aristotle.ils.nwu.edu