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font-list bug

The MCL Reference Manual (p.57) states that *font-list* is sorted
alphabetically.  In MCL 2.0b1p2, it is not.
A consequence of this is that font-menus.lisp does *not* display the font menu
alphabetically sorted.  To make life alphabetically simpler, you can change:
(dolist (font-name (remove #\% *font-list*
                           :key #'(lambda (string)
                                    (elt string 0))))
  (add-menu-items *font-menu* (make-instance 'font-menu-item
                                             :menu-item-title font-name
                                             :attribute font-name)))
to read:
(dolist (font-name (remove #\% (sort *font-list* #'string-lessp)
                           :key #'(lambda (string)
                                    (elt string 0))))
  (add-menu-items *font-menu* (make-instance 'font-menu-item
                                             :menu-item-title font-name
                                             :attribute font-name)))
I presume that MCL 2.0 final will meet the manual description again?
Regards, Howard.