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window-hardcopy (LONG source code)
- To: info-macl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: window-hardcopy (LONG source code)
- From: lynch@aristotle.ils.nwu.edu
- Date: Wed, 30 Oct 91 13:43:44 CST
Recently, there has been some discussion about window-hardcopy being
something that could be defined in a general way.
Here is my first attempt at it.
It actually works for the examples given, but not for my real case (I get
blank pages).
It *may* work for you.
I only ask that you send improvements to me if you make any.
(require :quickdraw)
;This is available by FTP. It may not even *really* be needed.
(require :oou-init)
(defclass printable (window)
(:documentation "A mix-in class that makes a window printable.")
(defmethod window-hardcopy ((view printable) &optional show-dialog?)
(declare (ignore show-dialog?))
;There are *lots* of unwind-protects and #_PrError checks with non-local
;in this code. There are probably more than need to be there, but I
;better safe than sorry.
(let ((ppageframe (%null-ptr))
(pdevbuf (%null-ptr))
(SpoolPort (%null-ptr))
(viewPort (wptr view))
;Make sure we #_PrClose.
(setq error-check (#_PrError))
;Does (#_PrError) clear the error code? Assume so for now.
(unless (zerop error-check)
(return-from window-hardcopy (values :pr-open-error error-check))
;Make sure we #_DisposeHandle
(setq prRecHdl (#_NewHandle 124))
;Actually, I should get the handle from the resource file of
(window-filename view)
;if there is one. This I might actually do soon.
(unless (= 124 (#_GetHandleSize prRecHdl))
(return-from window-hardcopy :new-handle-error)
(#_PrintDefault PrRecHdl)
(setq error-check (#_PrError))
(unless (zerop error-check)
(return-from window-hardcopy (values :print-default-error
(when (#_PrJobDialog prRecHdl)
(setq error-check (#_PrError))
(unless (zerop error-check)
(return-from window-hardcopy (values :pr-job-dialog-error
;#_PrOpenDoc is supposed to set the port, but who restores
;Hence, the with-port below.
(with-port viewPort
;Make sure we #_PrCloseDoc
(setq PPrPort (#_PrOpenDoc prRecHdl (%null-ptr)
(setq error-check (#_PrError))
(unless (zerop error-check)
(return-from window-hardcopy (values
:pr-open-doc-error error-check))
;Here I should do some looping if the view is larger
than 1 page.
(#_PrOpenPage PPrPort ppageframe)
(setq error-check (#_PrError))
(unless (zerop error-check)
(return-from window-hardcopy (values
:pr-open-page-error error-check))
;This works fine for my small examples, but does
nothing for
;my real case. I was told to do a copy-bits, but
that did nothing
;for either case.
(view-draw-contents view)
(#_PrClosePage PPrPort)
(setq error-check (#_PrError))
(unless (zerop error-check)
(return-from window-hardcopy (values
:pr-close-page-error error-check))
) )
(#_PrCloseDoc PPrPort)
(setq error-check (#_PrError))
(unless (zerop error-check)
(return-from window-hardcopy (values
:pr-close-doc-error error-check))
) )
;If printing is spooled, we need to call prPicFile
(when (= (rref prRecHdl :TPrint.prJob.bJDocLoop)
(rlet ((myStRec :TPrStatus))
(#_prPicFile prRecHdl SpoolPort (%null-ptr) pdevbuf
) ) ) )
(when (handlep prRecHdl) (#_DisposeHandle prRecHdl))
) )
(setq error-check (#_PrError))
(unless (zerop error-check)
(return-from window-hardcopy (values :pr-close-error error-check))
) ) ) )
(defclass sample1 (printable window)
:view-size #@(100 100)
:view-position (make-point (- *screen-width* 120) 100)
(defmethod view-draw-contents :after ((view sample1))
(rlet ((rect :rect :topleft #@(10 10) :bottomright #@(50 50)))
(#_PaintRect rect)
(let ((h (#_GetIcon 0)))
(rlet ((rect :rect :topleft #@(60 10) :bottomright #@(92 42)))
(#_PlotIcon rect h)
) ) )
(defparameter *sample1* (make-instance 'sample1))
(window-hardcopy *sample1*)
(defclass sample2 (printable dialog)
:view-size #@(100 100)
:view-position (make-point (- *screen-width* 120) 220)
(defmethod view-draw-contents :after ((view sample2))
(rlet ((rect :rect :topleft #@(10 10) :bottomright #@(50 50)))
(#_PaintRect rect)
(let ((h (#_GetIcon 1)))
(rlet ((rect :rect :topleft #@(60 10) :bottomright #@(92 42)))
(#_PlotIcon rect h)
) ) )
(defparameter *sample2* (make-instance 'sample2))
(window-hardcopy *sample2*)
(defclass sample3 (printable color-dialog)
:view-size #@(100 100)
:view-position (make-point (- *screen-width* 120) 340)
(defmethod view-draw-contents :after ((view sample3))
(rlet ((rect :rect :topleft #@(10 10) :bottomright #@(50 50)))
(#_PaintRect rect)
(let ((h (#_GetIcon 2)))
(rlet ((rect :rect :topleft #@(60 10) :bottomright #@(92 42)))
(#_PlotIcon rect h)
) ) )
(defparameter *sample3* (make-instance 'sample3))
(window-hardcopy *sample3*)
"TANSTAAFL" Rich lynch@ils.nwu.edu