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Connections.lisp & CMWrite
- To: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: Connections.lisp & CMWrite
- From: Bela Ban <ban@ifi.unizh.ch>
- Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1992 14:07:40 +0100
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- X400-received: by /PRMD=SWITCH/ADMD=ARCOM/C=CH/; Relayed; Mon, 20 Jan 1992 14:07:40 +0100
Has anyone ever tried out _cmwrite / _cmread in the above file ?
I'm having problems sending my data onto the serial stream. It seems that
the data is *not* written... If anyone has ever done this, could you
contact me (e-mail) ? A code fragment follows:
(defmethod CMWrite ((ob serial-connection) str &optional (timeout 1) )
(%stack-block ((buffer (+ (length str) 1)) ;; include space for
(toWrite 4)
(flags 2))
(%put-cstring buffer str)
(%put-long toWrite (length str))
(%put-word flags 0)
(let ((result (traps::_cmwrite (hconn ob)
(%int-to-ptr 0)
(bytesWritten (%get-long toWrite))
(buf (%get-cstring buffer)))
(format T "~&Buffer: ~s~&Bytes written: ~d~&Result Code: ~d"
buf bytesWritten result))))
Many thanks !!!
(Replies please to my reader...)
Bela Ban