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Saving screen pixels maps (color/monochrome)
- To: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: Saving screen pixels maps (color/monochrome)
- From: "Mark A. Tapia" <markt@dgp.toronto.edu>
- Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1992 12:37:54 -0500
I need help using color graf ports. My application needs to save and
restore pixels in a rectangle possibly outside the current focused view.
The test-bit-map procedure
1. saves a picture corresponding to a bit/pixmap of 60 x 60 pixels
centered at the view-position of the view.
2. blacks out the area
3. waits one second
4. restores the pixels
5. kills the picture
The test-bit-map procedure works when the grafport is 1 bit monochrome.
With cgrafports, the result is to create black pixels where the pixels
were not white and white pixels for all other pixels.
;; code follows
(require 'traps)
(require 'quickdraw)
;; new records for pointers to grafPorts and cGrafPorts
(defrecord graf-ptr (grafPort (:pointer grafport)))
(defrecord cGraf-ptr (cGrafPort (:pointer cgrafport)))
(defun port-color-p (the-port)
"Is the port a color port?"
(and *color-available*
(not (zerop (rref the-port :grafPort.colrbit)))))
;; macro from the oodles-of-utils package
(defmacro with-clip-rgn (clip-rgn &body body)
(let ((old-clip (gensym)))
`(with-macptrs ((,old-clip (require-trap #_NewRgn)))
(require-trap #_GetClip ,old-clip)
(require-trap #_SetClip ,clip-rgn)
(require-trap #_SetClip ,old-clip)
(require-trap #_DisposeRgn ,old-clip)))))
(defmacro with-wmgr-port (wmgr-port &rest body)
"Executes the body with the symbol corresponding to the first
argument bound to the window manager port, which may be
either a grafport (monochrome) or a cGrafPort"
(let ((sym (gensym)))
`(rlet ((,sym :graf-ptr))
(let (,wmgr-port)
(#_getwmgrport ,sym)
(setq ,wmgr-port
(if (port-color-p ,sym)
(rref ,sym :cgraf-ptr.cgrafPort)
(rref ,sym :graf-ptr.grafPort)))
(with-port ,wmgr-port
(with-clip-rgn (rref ,wmgr-port :grafPort.clipRgn)
(with-clip-rect (rref ,wmgr-port :grafPort.portRect)
(defmethod test-bit-map ((self view))
(let (saved-bit-map
(view-position (view-position self)))
(rlet ((rectangle :rect :topLeft (subtract-points view-position #@(30 30))
:bottomRight (add-points view-position #@(30 30))))
(with-focused-view self
(with-wmgr-port the-port the-port
(setq saved-bit-map (save-bit-map self the-port rectangle))
(#_paintrect rectangle)
(sleep 1)
(restore-bit-map self the-port saved-bit-map rectangle)
(kill-picture saved-bit-map))))))
(defmethod save-bit-map ((self view) the-port rect)
;; returns the bit map corresponding to the offset menu-rect
(with-clip-rect rect
(let* ((pict (#_OpenPicture :ptr rect :ptr))
(bits (if (port-color-p the-port)
(rref the-port :cGrafPort.portPixMap)
(rref the-port :grafPort.portbits))))
(#_CopyBits :ptr bits :ptr bits :ptr rect :ptr rect :word 0:ptr (%null-ptr))
(defmethod restore-bit-map ((self view) the-port saved-bit-map rect)
;; restores the bit map corresponding to the offset menu-rect
(declare (ignore the-port))
(when (and (handlep saved-bit-map))
(#_DrawPicture saved-bit-map rect)))
;; Create a window
(setq that (make-instance 'window :view-position #@(30 30)))
;; Test the procedure
(test-bit-map that)
;; End of Code
Mark Tapia