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matts-utils contribution on cambridge.apple.com

I have uploaded two files to the /pub/MCL2/contrib directory on
cambridge.apple.com. The upload consists of a Bin-Hex'd,
self-extracting CompactPro archive (matts-utils.sea.hqx) and a readme
file (matts-utils-readme.text) which I've included at this message's
end. This single contribution has replaced the individual files I've
uploaded in the past. All files should work with MCL 2.0 final. Most
of the files include bug fixes and enhancements.

-rw-rw-rw-   1 bin         2108 Mar 15 02:55 matts-utils-readme.text
-rw-rw-rw-   1 bin        68667 Mar 15 02:55 matts-utils.sea.hqx


==== Start of  matts-utils-readme.text ====
;;; matts-utils-readme.text

Purpose ========================================================
Describes the files in matts-utils.sea.hqx, a collection of some useful MCL
utilities. File names are marked with "####" (no quotes).

Status =========================================================

Copyright ) 1990-92 Matthew Cornell. All Rights Reserved. Send
bugs, comments, questions, and fixes to cornell@cs.umass.edu.

Change history =================================================
14-Mar-92 mc	Created.

#### compare-windows.lisp
Defines a simple but useful functionality that does a
character-by-character compare of the top two FRED windows.

#### drag-gray-region.lisp
Defines a LISP-level drag-gray-region function.

#### fred-keyboard-macros.lisp
Defines functions and command bindings to do simple FRED keyboard macro

#### pict-dialog-item.lisp
Defines the pict-dialog-item class of dialog items. This class implements a
picture button similar to icon-dialog-items.

#### progress-indication.lisp
Defines a simple but useful functionality that defines
WITH-PROGRESS-INDICATION and PROGRESS-STEP which provide a uniform way to
note incremental progress during long operations. Fondly inspired by
Symbolics' noting-progress mechanism.

#### resource-utils.lisp
Defines a LISP-style error-checked interface to the Resource Manager. The
function definitions are organized as in Inside Macintosh VI.

#### select-rectangle.lisp
Defines a LISP-level select-rectangle function.

#### sound-fun.Lisp
Defines the sound-dialog dialog subclass that has a sound associated with
each of its four buttons. Also, pressing one of the keys 1-4 will play the
corresponding button's sound.
==== End of  matts-utils-readme.text ====