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MacTCP Help!!!


  I am trying to implement the FTP protocol in MCL...
  Could be useful to lots of people, but I am stuck. :-(

  The FTP protocol specifies that when you want to transfert a
  file, you have to:
    1) listen on a specified port for a data connection
    2) send the file transfert command.

  I can easily do both, the problem is that to do 1) I have to
  do a TCPPassiveOpen which returns only when the connection is
  established. But I can't send the command that will tell the
  server to establish the file transfer connection since I am
  now stuck in the TCPPassiveOpen!!! And if I send the command
  first, then I get an error telling me that no one is listening!!!

Thanks for any help.

PS: I managed to make everything work using two MCL at the same time!
    Seems a bit exagerated though...

Guillaume Cartier
LACIM, Universite du Quebec a Montreal.
Bureau: (514) 987-4290
E-Mail: cartier@math.uqam.ca