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modal dialogs

	I'm programming an application using MCL 2.01.

	I use modal dialogs but I'd like to allow the user to move, resize...
	others windows while editing the dialog.
	I thinked about redefining click-event-handler in order only to take
	care of the click if it is on a scrollbar, on a window-title-bar, on
	a resize-box... But it seems to be very difficult.

	Has anybody a solution ?


*                 Laurent Arditi (arditi@taloa.unice.fr)                     * 
*       "If you're not now, you never were."   SUICIDAL TENDENCIES           *
* "With the lights out it's less dangerous. Here we are now. Entertain us. I *
*  feel stupid and contagious. Here we are now. Entertain us. A mulatto. An  *
*  albino. A mosquito. My libido. Yeaaaa..."    (Kurt Cobain - NIRVANA)      *