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ignore-errors errors, ignoring its spec

In 2.0f2
(ignore-errors (car 1)) should return 2 values but instead =>
> Error: While compiling an anonymous function :
>        Error: "Can't take CAR of 1." 
>        signalled during compile-time evaluation of (CAR 1) .
> Type Command-. to abort.
See the Restarts. menu item for further choices.


(setq *print-readably* t)
Then type into the listener:
(make-instance 'window)
causes the error:
> Error: Attempt to print object #<WINDOW "Untitled" #x3200C9> on stream 
#<CCL::TERMINAL-IO #x2A68A1> .
> Type Command-. to abort.
See the Restarts. menu item for further choices.