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self and CLOS

I have a question that ya'll may be able to help me with.  I'm learning the
CLOS system (I've been programing in Object Pascal & C++ for some time), but a
few of it's fine points are seeming to escape me.  The first is how you refer 
to your "self".  As an example here is a very simple class that represents a
graphic object which can be dragged, resized, and knows how to draw itself.

(defclass square-thing ()
    ((fTop   :accessor top
             :init-form 10
             :init-arg :top)
     (fLeft  :accessor left
             :init-form 10
             :init-arg :left)
     (fBottom :accessor bottom
             :init-form 100
             :init-arg :bottom)
     (fRight :accessor right
             :init-form 100
             :init-arg :right))
OK, so far so good.  Now I want to define a method which will be used for this 
thing to draw itself on the screen each time.  I wanted to define the method
so that the coordinates are optional, otherwise it just draws itself in it's 
current place (as defined by the slots).  My problem is, how do I specify the
default values of the &optional arguments without refering to a "self".
The following example is what I am trying (but is wrong):

(defmethod draw ((me square-thing) (wind view)
                  &optional (t (me top)) (l (me left))
                            (b (me bottom)) (r (me right)))
 (paint-rect wind l t r b)
 (frame-rect wind l t r b))
 I don't want to have to kludge the lambda list with 0 (or neg) defaults (and
then test if they are zero or negative). There must be a way to do this correctly.