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Cartier's Contribs new version

I have uploaded a new version of my contribs to the
cambridge archive as the file Cartiers-Contribs.sit.hqx
in directory pub/mcl2/contrib.

New in module Who-Calls:

  - The who-calls information is now saved in compiled fasl
    files. This improvement was a joint effort of Ralf Moeller,
    Gary Byers and myself.


  - This is the new, MCL2 compatible version of my interface
    between MCL and Symantec's Think C. For those familiar with
    my old version, this new one basicaly improves the development
    cycle when you go back and forth between MCL and Think C.

* Guillaume Cartier                 (514) 844-5294 (maison)         *
* L.A.C.I.M.                        (514) 987-4290 (bureau)         *
* Universite du Quebec a Montreal   (514) 987-8477 (telecopieur)    *
* Montreal, Quebec, Canada          cartier@math.uqam.ca (internet) *