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Re: init file

>GatorMail-Q                   init file
>MCL question/problem:
>When I start up MCL 2.0 by double-clicking the application icon, the init.lisp
>file does not automatically load like the documentation says it should.
>I also had this problem with MCL 2.0b1 but I thought it was just a early
>release bug. To fix it I put a function on the *lisp-startup-functions* list to
>load the init file and then saved the image.
>Is there something I could be doing wrong, or is this the way it is for some 
>Keith Diefendorff
>email:      keithd@oakhill.sps.mot.com
>Applelink:  MOT.KD
>phone:      512-891-3219
>fax:        512-891-3818

If you use SAVE-APPLICATION to save the state of a running MCL
application, you have to be aware that it takes a keyword argument
named :INIT-FILE which defaults to NIL (meaning don't load any
init file).

What you want is probably:
(SAVE-APPLICATION "FooBar" :init-file "init").

The SAVE-APPLICATION specialist! :-)

* Guillaume Cartier                 (514) 844-5294 (maison)         *
* L.A.C.I.M.                        (514) 987-4290 (bureau)         *
* Universite du Quebec a Montreal   (514) 987-8477 (telecopieur)    *
* Montreal, Quebec, Canada          cartier@math.uqam.ca (internet) *