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Re: ccl::draw-outline

>In my application, I turned the outline of an editable-text-dialog-item on and off according  
>to some event.
>In the beta version, (setf (slot-value x 'ccl::draw-outline) nil) worked well.  
>(x is an instance of the editable-text-dialog-item).  
>But this is not working in MCL2.0.  I also tried 
>(setf (slot-value x 'ccl::draw-outline) nil) 
>(view-focus-and-draw-contents x)
>and though x would redraw itself.  This does not work either.
>The opposite operation, i.e., to turn the outline on,  works fine by the following:
>(setf (slot-value x 'ccl::draw-outline) t) 
>(view-focus-and-draw-contents x).
>Any suggestion?  Thanks

Since the outline is not within the bounds of (view-corners ) [ugh!] you
will probably need to erase a suitable rectangle after setting the slot
value and before calling view-focus-and-draw-contents.

If this causes too much flash, you can use a region which is the difference
of a suitable rectangle and view-corners...
"TANSTAAFL" Rich lynch@ils.nwu.edu